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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Elements for Lich/Tenet weapons
  • What I mean is, if you want to spend your progenitor element and mod slot to get two statuses, you can do better than Impact + Hemorrhage. It's a small chance stacked on top of a small chance (since even with a 60% progenitor your elements will be diluted on a primer.) Going for something like Magnetic + a Heat 60/60 is just more efficient for priming, because you get status chance and the heat isn't contingent on getting a magnetic proc.

    (It doesn't help that many of the best melee weapons already proc slash.)

  • Which Corpus rifle would be better lore-wise, Arca or Ambi?
  • From a lore perspective the sisters of parvos kill lots of tenno, so I assume the Tenet Arca Plasmor is canonically a really strong weapon. I don't think we ever got any lore about the base form / ambassador.

  • Elements for Lich/Tenet weapons
  • You don't need Slash for priming though. As a Condition Overload primer, it only matters that you have a status, not what that status is. So Magnetic + Cold + Radiation is actually better than Slash + Impact, if you intend to use the Nukor to prime.

    The only exceptions are Viral, which you always want a lot of, and sometimes Heat (if you're doing a heat inherit build.)

    If you want to use the nukor as a main damage weapon and not a primor, hemorrhage/slash is okay, but the chance of getting a slash proc is so low that you're better off with a generic build.

  • Scientifically determining the most forgotten melee archetype

    I crafted the Ghoulsaw earlier for MR, and I was thinking about how it was the only weapon in its archetype. I was wondering if there were any other forgotten archetypes, so I decided to look through every melee weapon's release date. I ended up making this chart, which shows each melee type as a percentage of all melees.


    It's not a perfect system, because the number of weapons in an archetype doesn't exactly correlate to their place in the meta. (I'm pretty sure more people are using gunblades and glaives than dual swords.) But it's still interesting to think about.

    I decided to find which weapons have been releasing the furthest apart since the archetype was added. (Meaning days since the first one released divided by total releases.) For example, there's been a new set of Dual Swords every 208 days since the first one.

    The Assault Saw didn't even crack the top three, those being:

    Rapiers: 904 days between each release on average Claws: 820 days between each release on average Nunchakau: 710 days between each release on average

    Rapiers and Claws have their place (those being finishers and the venka prime as a statstick) but I legitimately forgot that nunchucks were in the game.

    Hopefully we'll get some new weapons in underserved categories soon. All I want is a tenet assault saw with some kind of energy blade. (And a buff to the stance. Please.)

    Why is Condition Overload considered preferable to Primed Pressure Point on so many builds?
  • Three main reasons:

    1. It's a cheaper mod. Easier to access, easier to max rank.

    2. Applying three or more status effects is a lot easier than it sounds. A typical melee has impact, puncture, slash, and some kind of modded element. This means CO will beat other options after a few swings. Some enemies will die before CO reaches its full effect, but you didn't need the extra damage on them anyway. CO is far more effective than Primed Pressure Point against the biggest and strongest enemies, which are where you need the most help.

    3. With a status primer like the Epitaph or Kuva Nukor, CO can produce a far higher damage multiplier than Primed Pressure Point. You can easily get 5+ statuses if you build right, which is a huge damage increase.