I can’t wait for the technology to get basic enough where I can roll my own self hosted instance of it without it taking months. Because I can see a way it’s doable without a centralized service to get around that. But for mass consumer level, I can see that becoming true. But this can be applied to every bit of software currently. All of it can be ran by you, if you have time. Hell I’ve got my own cloud (hosted at my home ) music streaming service.
I kind of have to opposite but a similar problem. I'm diagnosed autistic, so while I am great at self teaching, I also tend to hyperfocus. This lead me to be a kind of one trick pony, but I'm really good at that one thing. And I think my lack of diversification is killing me. I just don't have broad enough knowledge to cover a full position. That and well...I'm awkward in interviews, with the no eye contact, reciprocating responses, and tendency to ramble.
Ok, I no longer feel bad for breaking my projects up into multiple modules per project...