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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Recap Monday Week 28 - What did you play last week?
  • If you are not sure about gloomhaven get Jaws of the Lion. It's easier to learn and get to the table than the big box. Not very story heavy and not many decisions, but might be a nice introduction to dungeon crawlers.

  • What Are Your Favorite Cooperative Games?
  • I like coop campaign games, some of those I liked most are: LOTR journeys in the middle earth, descent leyends of the dark and gloomhaven. I strognly recommend Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion. Not the best, but very good and you will get a lot of value for the price, as all these are on the expensive side. Zombiecide is good and a bit lighter. Apart from those, I'm playing marvel champions now, which is a coop card game, great for two, a bit too long with more players.

  • Recap Monday Week 27 - What did you play last week?
  • I started playing marvel champions. I'm playing with people as well as solo, and am loving it both ways, so I fear my budget will suffer with all the content available. I knew I should not start an LCG...

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  • Well, I did not finish the campaign, just tried the first missions and have not followed the patches after that. As you said, it has its very rewarding moments too, but I love campaign games and inmerse myself in the stories and I just felt like I was losing people, sanity or limbs in every event because of dice, without a chance to mitigate it. At the end of the game I was not happy or relaxed, I guess the atmosphere of despair is very well done XD. The battles can be swingy too, but strategy can mitigate some of it. So not really and issue with the game itself but with how it makes me feel, if that makes sense.

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  • I love the idea and theme of KDM, but I don't like that it punishes you just for the sake of it. It's not hard just unfair. If you don't mind that, it's a great game but I'm glad I tried it before buying

  • If you want to be a better person, find something to do outside of work
  • I agree with you in the benefits of being "actively engaged", but at least for me I would add two points.

    They don't need to be productive activities, like cooking. Some people feel like they have to be productive even in their free time. It's fine but there's no need. And if you like learning an instrument without the intention of joining a band, that's perfectly ok.

    Also, you're allowed to be bad at it. It's just a hobby.