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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 5
Comments 11

Square Flower

Another titanium print! This one is super geometric - the basis of the print is just a bunch of squares/diamonds rotated around a central point, the visual complexity comes from the combination of how they overlap and motion control of my pen plotter (specifically that it needs to accelerate and decelerate as it changes directions).

Cyclometry #5
  • I actually just got the provisional patent filed! I'm going to start working on a breakdown of the process now and throw it up on my website. If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer now though!

  • Cyclometry #5
  • It's actually a plate of titanium I did some patterned anodization on. Anodizing titanium creates a nanometers thick crystalline layer that can constructively/destructively interfere with lightwaves to create color without pigments or dyes. I invented a process to spatially control anodization a few months ago and I've been using to create art ever since. Let me know if you have any other questions!

  • Cyclometry #5

    I've been playing around with more abstract stuff lately - I'm doing a series of prints that are basically just weird circles, hence the goofy old timey name of cyclometry :) The colors on this came out really neat in person!


    Pillars of Creation

    Newest titanium print! It's of a region in the Eagle nebula, originally captured by the Hubble telescope. Space seemed like a cool place to explore a little more of the colorspace available in this process. Plate is 12"x18", image is ~9.5"x14".

    I'm really happy with how this one came out, the background 'sky' is a gradienting deep iridescent blue, and the nebula itself hits some cool magentas, yellows, and a bluish-green that can't make its mind on what color it wants to be depending on angle and lighting.

    Waves on the beach in titanium
  • It is somewhat closer to traditional photography, but it's using an electrochemical process to create the colors. I'm so sorry I can't tell you more details right now, I'll quote my comment on details below. Once I file a patent on this I'll make a detailed post here on my process. Assuming it even gets granted I intend to make it free for individuals (but not corporations) to use.

    So I'm going to just say it's an electrochemical anodization process for now. The detail comes from a new process I've been developing over the last month or so that I'm going to be filing a patent on soon. I'll be happy to share with you all once I've done so, but I the idea of Elon Musk maybe seeing one of these posts and using my process to make a fleet of printed titanium cyber trucks using my process would make me sad.

  • Waves on the beach in titanium
  • No worries, it's very niche! In titanium means I'm "printing" an anodization (protective oxide layer) on a titanium surface. Titanium and Niobium have a unique property the oxide layer that forms on their surfaces is transparent, and extremely thin (think <1000 nanometers). The colors come from the incoming light constructively and destructively interfering in that oxide layer, so there are no pigments or dyes used in the process.

  • Waves on the beach in titanium

    Apologies for the less than stellar lighting. This was my biggest print so far, just under 18"x 18"! I'm really happy with the details, but printing something this big was definitely a learning experience for me. It took 3 attempts to get this image out, but I learned a lot about tubing management and maintaining chemistry I can think about while I sand down my previous botched attempts :D


    Titanium Sunset

    First post here - I’ve been experimenting with creating art by selectively anodizing titanium. Patterning anodized titanium isn’t new, but this process allows me to create full pictures, which I think is the first time this has ever been done.

    This piece started off as a photo of a beach at sunset that I color mapped into the anodized Ti spectrum and printed.
