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Scott Matter

small axe working for sustained / systemic change (he / him).

Also Senior Lecturer, TD School at UTS.

Some areas of interest: #anthropology, #anarchism #ethnography #strategicDesign #serviceDesign #foresight #futures #buddhism #hockey #music #collectiveImprovisation #speculativeEverything #JustTransition #politicalEcology #Australia #Canada

[Banner image is a panoramic photo with snowshoe tracks on Maligne Lake, Jasper NP, December 2018]

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Comments 2
So despite climate change, Australia's federal government has just committed an extra $3.25 billion into building a toll road and a 20-lane freeway widening.
  • @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars

    With the More Gas Strategy they announced today, there’s no way to pretend this government gives any fucks about mitigating climate change.

  • Right now, could you prepare a slice of toast with zero embodied carbon emissions?
  • @jackofalltrades @ajsadauskas @green

    The zero emissions option, unfortunately, is to not eat. Whether it’s bread or toast.