Press button to talk to train drive. Penalty fine for improper use.
Oh... that's the same person (in the image at least) who said "Yeah AI is going to take those creative jobs, but those jobs maybe shouldn't have existed in the first place".
Silk pillow cases are really useful to people with curly and coilled hair! Cotton pillow cases makes that kind of hair super frizzy, but a silk case can be softer on the hair meaning your curls are still intact in the morning :) Often people will use a silk wrap or hear wear instead of a silk pillow as they can ve cheaper and keep your hair more secure. It's personal preference but can really help reduce frizz! Hope that helps
Edit: bloody spelling
When I was a kid there was a cartoon that featured one of these in an episode. I think it was from a transformers cartoon? I have spent ages trying to find it and have never been able to
Did you also make that matrix server that was posted on 196 a while ago?
If I had a nickle for every house of leaves memes I had seen on 196, I would have two nickles. Which isn't a lot but it is weird that it happened twice...
Time to crack out the ol' microfische reels again for the photos.
I seem to remember an article about long term storage using quartz crystals from a few years ago, but I could be misremembering that