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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Are niche pillows and cases worth it?
  • Silk pillow cases are really useful to people with curly and coilled hair! Cotton pillow cases makes that kind of hair super frizzy, but a silk case can be softer on the hair meaning your curls are still intact in the morning :) Often people will use a silk wrap or hear wear instead of a silk pillow as they can ve cheaper and keep your hair more secure. It's personal preference but can really help reduce frizz! Hope that helps

    Edit: bloody spelling

  • Go! Go! Bio Majors!
  • When I was a kid there was a cartoon that featured one of these in an episode. I think it was from a transformers cartoon? I have spent ages trying to find it and have never been able to