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I hope I am not a tech wallah but limpid in speech indicating my yen for felicitous gadgets which may result in my degringolade.

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Comments 10
Cyberpunk 2077 | Update 2.0
  • So just downloaded the v2.0 update for Cyberpunk 2077 on my eight year old machine. For the most part my current test level 50 character is working, got a two star NCPD event, been flatlined four times and finally, my PC crashed once.

    Pour one out for my PC my chooms as I think it's reached the end of the line.

    On the bright side I will be a patientgamer as I build up funds for my next PC. Time to turn my old machine into a NAS.

  • Just read Project Hail Mary
  • The audible version is also recommended. Mad props to all the folks who made the audio book.

  • What book are you in the middle of reading right now?
  • Currently reading Coda vol. 1 right now. Liking the main character particularly his pentacorn.

  • What book are you in the middle of reading right now?
  • Congrats on walking the path! Yeah the books are great and really hit you hard at times. No spoilers from me but enjoy the book series!

  • What are you currently reading?
  • Finished Yellowface then followed up with The Curse of the Marquis de Sade. Getting my dose of the book publishing community and trading.

  • What made you pick the Lemmy server you are on?
  • Tried the bee but did not get any notification I was accepted. Fortunately saw pop on my feed and they accepted my request.

    Good thing as well that I found all of my favorite programming languages on the server.

  • What books are you reading at the moment?
  • Currently reading The Best of World SF 2. It's nice to see how sci-fi has influenced other authors around the globe.

  • Lock down Linux for the workplace
  • LiveCD? Take a look at that as a number of distributions give you a read only experience.

  • What is your current passion?
  • I don't think it has ever changed for me. I may sure to grab 2 - 3 books everytime I drop by the library. I try to finish them in three weeks and the cycle continues.

    Great bonsai! Just can't do that at my house due to the kids.