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Seek ⬥ Strike ⬥ Destroy ⬥ By Any Means Necessary

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Which browser do you use and why?
  • Using a firefox derivative I dont think is a good option as it will always be behind on security updates.... I guess I am going to wait until the Orion Beta / software comes to Linux which was announced recently. Orion is a WebKit based browser that is on iphone / mac

  • Advice for a Linux Laptop in 2025
  • I had one of the initial batches and the hinge was too weak. They came out with stronger ones that are much better which I now have. It was cheap and easy to replace

  • Acestream on Steamdeck

    Hi guys,

    I had looked everywhere to find a guide to get Acestream on the Steamdeck or even Linux and really didn't find anything good. So with the wonders of wine I have a relatively easy way to run Acestream on the Steamdeck.

    1. Download the Acestream stable Windows installer from their site.
    2. Download Lutris if you do not already have it.
    3. In lutris hit the plus sign and select 'Install a Windows game from executable' and install from the Acestream installer you downloaded.
    4. Here it will actually install acestream but once you hit finish after the installation, Lutris will just stall out. This is fine just hit 'Abort' and uncheck 'Remove game files' to keep all the files it just installed. Then hit Yes to cancel installation
    5. Now in Lutris hit the plus sign again but this time select 'Add locally installed game' and use the following settings !
    6. Next will be the game options tab, you will need to find where your lutris games get installed at. From there in the acestream folder the acestream player executable is found in acestream/drive_c/users/<yourusername>/AppData/Roaming/ACEStream/player/ace_player.exe !
    7. I also set the working directory to whatever folder your lutris acestream folder is installed
    8. Last go to the 'Runner options' tab and I found System wine worked the best. GE and others seem to have audio issues.
    9. Hit save then you should be good to go to run it.

    I tried to get this working in gamemode and it does not work unfortunately. I just run it in desktop mode and it works perfectly fine.

    You could also pretty much do the same thing in bottles or wine if you prefer it.

    Happy streaming!

    Install Tuba on Linux | Flathub
  • I had not heard of this one yet, just gave it a try and I like it. Thank you!

  • An Orion browser port to Linux is being worked on
  • Will be very interested in trying this out, I like using Orion on my phone...

  • Install Tuba on Linux | Flathub
  • I tried this but it looked too strange on KDE since it is a gnome app. My cursor becomes 10x the size

  • FreeTube full screen
  • There is also a magnify feature you can try to have it zoom in, you can find this under Controller settings> bind some button > System > toggle magnifier

    I did this for a diff app. And did a back paddle that I have to hold for 3 seconds

    You can change how far you zoom in or out under the regular steamdeck settings > display > Advanced > magnifier scale

  • FreeTube full screen
  • I admit I have not tried this at all, but maybe check if there is a key combination to go full screen for FreeTube and map that key combination to a button! That's what I would do

  • Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform
  • Hopefully this will drive even more users to switch over. I find myself finding Reddit less useful as time passes by

  • PeerTube is now (properly) supported on GrayJay
  • Trying out to linux app but it is quite buggy. Try to type a search then a video just starts loading for no reason

  • Looking for laptop recommendations
  • This doesn't quite answer your question but I really like my Framework 13”. But that is not the kind of device you are looking for.

    But I am just throwing out there - there is new products being announced by Framework 2-25 and there is speculation of possibly a yoga type laptop. Maybe it would fit what you are looking for!