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Pteryx the Puzzle Secretary
Pteryx the Puzzle Secretary @ pteryx

A roleplayer frustrated at the structure of our society. She/her.

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Comments 9
Been thinking of watching the old Digimon anime. Is this a good idea? Am I about to go into debt for a new TCG?
  • @Shkshkshk @grasshopper_mouse As far as my own media childhood goes:

    1. Play some of Square/Squaresoft's various JRPGs from before the Square Enix merger.

    2. Watch some awesome cartoons that got tragically cancelled before they could finish. (ABC's "SatAM" Sonic the Hedgehog, Pirates of Dark Water... technically Thundercats 2011 is too late for my childhood, but it's the same idea).

    That'll give you a good summary.

  • This is what its like working in childcare. Kids do stuff like this all the time.
  • @Shkshkshk @196 Suffice it to say that I suffered through over a decade of "bad classroom management", a lot of which went above and beyond mere attempts at containing screaming and crying... and meanwhile, the "teasers" (the teachers insisted that the verbal bullying be called "teasing") got away scot-free.

    I ultimately dropped out of school because of the way the teachers treated me, even two years after they actually finally decided putting the bullies on notice was a worthwhile step.

  • This is what its like working in childcare. Kids do stuff like this all the time.
  • @Shkshkshk @196 Do you also have an excuse for why the bullying victim gets punished by teachers instead of the bully?

  • This is what its like working in childcare. Kids do stuff like this all the time.
  • @Shkshkshk @196 Do you have means by which to report potential bullies? Because I can only imagine a bully thinking this way.

  • What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars Of those:

    * A bus stop
    * A restaurant
    * Maybe a park, I haven't timed it?

    There's also a convenience store (with no associated gas station), which while expensive has proven handy in emergencies.

  • Dick Stallman Rule
  • @Shkshkshk @196 ...If you do that to my old laptop specifically, will that make it less flaky, or is its tendency to freeze these days a hardware problem? 😜

  • Modern Urban Fantasy
  • @Eagle0600 @Velynt Or its 5e-based successor, Everyday Heroes.

  • RPG daily blog summaries at
  • @eerongal @slyflourish The column pickings there have shriveled over the years in favor of their forums. The main column there that still matters is Designers & Dragons.

  • The Wild History of White Wolf Games
  • @Flushmaster @copacetic I dunno, there's one WoD game that could be pressed into the MMO mold with some work: Werewolf: the Apocalypse.

    Be a furry, shapeshifting, rage-fueled ecoterrorist, tearing apart fomori in the streets at night, raiding Pentex buildings, diving into surreal Umbral landscapes to learn Gifts from spirits, attacking Black Spiral Dancer strongholds...