I think at least part of the problem is that Democrats believe in The System. So when someone cheats and whines about fake votes and stuff, they can resist that with faith that the system is working, but when the system willingly chooses the other side they have no choice but to concede that this must just be the Will of the People. And who are they to stand against the system they uphold...
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume what you said was simply confusing, but not wrong.
So just to be clear if your raid array fails, and you're using software raid, you can plug all of the disks into a new machine and use it there. But you can't just take a single disk out of a raid 5 array, for example, and plug it in and use it as a normal USB hard drive that just had some of the files on it, or something. Even if you built the array using soft-raid.
I don't want to sound like I'm just correcting you for the sake of it, but it's actually important. Mastodon is the most popular right now, but Mastodon actually wasn't around at the beginning! Before that was StatusNet, and before that was identi.ca and laconi.ca
So those services already existed, they were the ones built for federation, and so Mastodon was started as another compatible implementation of an existing network protocol. All of that is to say that Mastodon didn't need to make the right choices at the beginning, and they have already benefitted from this kind of network dynamic! The system has already worked once!
Snapdragon 8 Elite arrives with Linux support, potentially unlocking PC gaming on phones and tablets
Maybe I'm just pedantic, but if it's on a phone or tablet, isn't it not "PC gaming"? I'm honestly a little confused what they're going for. I guess "mobile games of the graphical calibre expected of PC games"? But, like, Myst is a PC game. Monkey Island is a PC game. Thomas Was Alone is a PC game. There's a wide range there in graphics... And phones are mobile...
I get what you're saying, but I think the issue with optional memory safety features is that it's hard to be sure you're using it in all the places and hard to maintain that when someone can add a new allocation in the future, etc. It's certainly doable, and maybe some static analysis tools out there can prove it's all okay.
Whereas with Rust, it's built from the ground up to prove exactly that, plus other things like no memory being shared between threads by accident etc. Rust makes it difficult and obvious to do the wrong thing, rather than that being the default.
It's also worth saying that with cars vs transit the incentives flip. With cars I don't want to make things too far away, but like in my previous comment I have to space things out some, and cars are good at going distances, so it's not too bad for business to sprawl. Also, because I need parking for everyone, density of my building (like a multi-story building) requires an even greater density of parking. But parking garages are expensive, so it's easier for me to build a bunch of single story buildings with big surface parking lots.
On the other hand, with transit and pedestrians distances are much more significant. The goal now is to try and get as many things as possible to where the people already are. In this mode, building up is much more sensible because the more housing or offices or businesses you can put on this plot, the less people will have to walk to get there and the closer they are to prominent transit stops, etc. And if I don't need parking, then I'm incentivized to put another building right next to this one to try and hit those same people without them taking more than 20 steps.
There's a sense in which cars by their nature produce sprawl. Cars are larger than people, so if I want a building to contain N number of people, I need an empty space nearby that contains 3N of just emptiness waiting for a car, so our buildings can't be too close together. There needs to be that buffer space between them for their cars.
Then people have to get to the parking lots, so we need roads. But if I want N people to be able to get here, I need more than that space between our parking lots for enough cars to be able to reach me. Not to mention left turning lanes and big intersections, and of course long stretches to get past the long parking lots.
So if we don't have space for that in a city, we either have to knock down a bunch of buildings to make room for these things, it we have to expand outwards into the larger empty space outside the city. Which naturally leads to sprawl.
It's amazing to actually do a satellite view of an area, take a screenshot, and then colour in the parts that are actually a building or shop or home, and then colour all the other parts that are road, driveway, parking lot, intersection. It's this foam which sprawls.
Permanently Deleted
I'm not disagreeing with you, but am genuinely curious how "fairness" was counted. I feel we have a thing right now where one side will present a well reasoned, data driven, argument. And the other side will hastily throw together something based on vibes that mostly doesn't address the issue at all. But out of a sense of fairness our current media feels like it has to present both as though they're two equally effective tradeoffs when actually one is empty noise.
So I'd be very curious if this system has a way of preserving true fairness without devolving into false equality in some way. Obviously nothing is perfect, but I'm curious.
Factorio in particular actually ships a native Linux version. Someone at Wube actually tries it AFAICT. So that should be something you could try day one, probably. Besides some weird situation, I'd expect every other game to be harder to run than Factorio.
It's also worth mentioning that localsend has specific Linux support, so the app should run fine. I use it on my Linux laptop all the time!
I think it's great! If we're Mr and Mrs MyLastName we know they know me and assumed she was the same. If it's Mr and Mrs HerLastName it means they know us through her, and assumed she must have gotten the name from me! It's like putting the name of the company in the email you're giving the email to, it tracks the source. At least that's the game we play, because it mostly doesn't matter to us.
On most modern distros (like Mint) you can do basically as much with Linux GUIs as you can do in Windows or Mac. So normal users don't need the terminal. But if you want to do more, if you want the secret sauce, the terminal is there for you.
But fear not! Basically all of us have some level of autism or ADHD, and the best of us tend to be the most extreme. If anything the terminal was written by autistic nerds for themselves! If you'll be okay being a bit of a n00b for a bit, I think you'll find there's a lot of depth here to obsess over / hyper fixate / hyper focus on.
There's a reason people have been "fighting" for, like, 40 years over which terminal text editor is the superior one... The flames of war can run pretty deep, and there's a lot of opinions.
I think the reason people are jumping to BDSM community terms is because BDSM people fucking love terms. They've got taxonomy for days, and they live to whip it out, so to speak.
I have never played a game with random strangers ever. But! My brother and sister both live hours away from me (and each other), and we keep in touch by playing online co-op games every week.
I have a group of friends that I have mostly kept in touch with by playing online games too.
So I agree with what I think you meant, but I'm very glad online multiplayer exists in some form.
Along with the others I'd also mention Outer Wilds and Viewfinder
You should look up IPFS! It's trying to be kinda like that.
It'll always be slower than a CDN, though, partly because CDNs pay big money to be that fast, but also anything p2p is always going to have some overhead while the swarm tries to find something. It's just a more complicated problem that necessarily has more layers.
But that doesn't mean it's not possible for it to be "fast enough"
Knowing the folks at IA I'm sure they would love a backup. They would love a community. I'm sure they don't want to be the only ones doing this. But dang, they've got like 99 Petabytes of data. I don't know about you, but my NAS doesn't have that laying around...
a spokesperson for the honeyseller, Vladimir Dmitriev
Listen, obviously people with names like that can be totally normal and great people. For sure. But this name, connected financially to this candidate, at this time. Guys... It's not a good look...
Is there any hope to replace this switch?
Hello folks! I have these switches in my bathroom.
The rightmost is the lights, and the middle one is the bathroom fan, and I'd like to replace that middle one with something I could load tasmota on (or some other open source firmware), without replacing the other switch, the sockets, or the faceplate.
I haven't seen any smart switches that have a form factor that would fit through this faceplate, though; they seem to mostly want to be the entire electrical box.
If it weren't for the electrical plugs I could maybe replace this with some kind of 2-gang thing, which isn't really what I want but could be fine, but as it stands I'm not sure what my options here are.
I don't need the new switch to necessarily look like the old one, I just want it to fit in the same box and use the same faceplate. Do you folks have any recommendations?