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Proprioception (/ˌproʊpri.oʊˈsɛpʃən, -ə-/ PROH-pree-oh-SEP-shən, -⁠ə-), also called kinaesthesia (or kinesthesia), is the sense of self-movement, force, and body position. It is sometimes described as the "sixth sense".

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Does anyone know any Hard Sci Fi books about humans surviving without any hospitable worlds?
  • Just a loose round up so far

    Seveneves Neal Stephenson
    Tau Zero Poul Anderson
    Metro 2033 Dmitry Glukhovsky
    The Children of Time Adrian Tchaikovsky
    Lucifer's Hammer Larry Niven
    Pushing Ice Alastair Reynolds
    Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers
    Diaspora by Greg Egan
    A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martin
    The 100 Kass Morgan
    Interdependency trilogy by John Scalzi.
    Silo series of books by Hugh Howey

  • ‘Don’t be naive like I was’: UK academic advises Cop28 attenders to stay safe | Matthew Hedges, tortured in UAE in 2018, tells reporters and activists to take clean phones and watch who they deal with
  • Yup, sounds about right. Plus less tolerance
    of freedom of assembly, and civil disobedience in major Western democracies will continue.

  • Hondurans Fight Private Cities Run by U.S. Companies as Gov’t Sued for Outlawing “Neocolonial Project”
  • Yes it's horrifying. The article states that most Western countries are moving away from trade deals that allow corporations to sue countries for loss of business etc, but I believe that pacts like the Trans Pacific Partnership may include such idiotic rights for corporations; leaving countries in compromised situations should they need to change business practices for example.

  • NZ: Asylum seekers live on $40/week, sleep at bus stops in long wait for refugee status
  • From article:

    “If we were to shut our doors today, they would be homeless with no food,” Christina Lane​, a support worker for the Asylum Seekers Support Trust (ASST), said of her clients.

    The charity relies on donations to help about 400 asylum seekers across the country, including those who had been detained in detention facilities.

    Lane said clients are regularly referred by Immigration New Zealand, but the government agency refuses to provide funding for their care

  • World News proprioception

    NZ: Asylum seekers live on $40/week, sleep at bus stops in long wait for refugee status Asylum seekers live on $40/week, sleep at bus stops in long wait for refugee status

    People claiming asylum in Aotearoa can expect a 500-day wait to become refugees, with some waiting six years. In meantime, they have little support.

    Asylum seekers live on $40/week, sleep at bus stops in long wait for refugee status

    The treatment of asylum seekers has worsened under the Labour Government, and pleas for change are falling on deaf ears.

    Many asylum seekers are living on $40 a week from a charity, with some sleeping in bus stops as they wait for a decision about their immigration status.

    People claiming asylum in Aotearoa can expect a 500-day wait to become refugees, with some people having to wait up to six years.

    World News proprioception Hunger and Malnutrition Surge in Ethiopia’s War-Torn Tigray After U.S. and WFP Halt Food Aid

    The United Nations is warning rates of severe malnutrition in Ethiopia’s Tigray have risen sharply with nearly 9 million people needing food aid in the war-ravaged northern region. The World Food Programme and the U.S. government, Ethiopia’s two largest food donors, both halted deliveries to Tigray ...

    Hunger and Malnutrition Surge in Ethiopia’s War-Torn Tigray After U.S. and WFP Halt Food Aid
    Why the French Deny Their Own Racism
  • French policing of climate protests have been draconian from the get go, state violence is encouraged by the heavy militarisation of the gendarmerie in France.

    Not uncommon around the West since 911, and getting worse in many countries as social protest and political polarisation intensifies.

    The issues being protested are unifying, or would be if not for this militarisation of state force, indicating intolerance for dissent.

  • World News proprioception Hondurans Fight Private Cities Run by U.S. Companies as Gov’t Sued for Outlawing “Neocolonial Project”

    In Honduras, communities are fighting back against privatization and foreign exploitation after Honduran President Xiomara Castro and Congress repealed a law that established so-called Economic Development and Employment Zones, where private companies have “functional and administrative autonomy” fr...

    Hondurans Fight Private Cities Run by U.S. Companies as Gov’t Sued for Outlawing “Neocolonial Project”
    Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 20/6/2023
  • Sorry for late reply, still getting used to the fediverse.

    Everyday for the weather, ETS gets replaced by similar concepts.

    Thanks for asking. Have a nice one.

  • An ancient Mayan empire city was found in the Mexican jungle - Ocomtún, with large pyramid-like buildings, stone columns, a ball field and imposing buildings and plazas, was likely an important cit...
  • Bird Jaguar the great likely used his hips or buttocks to send the victim's remains, encased in a large rubber ball down a long flight of stone steps.

    Ball skills!

  • An ancient Mayan empire city was found in the Mexican jungle - Ocomtún, with large pyramid-like buildings, stone columns, a ball field and imposing buildings and plazas, was likely an important cit...
  • The captain maybe, but if someone actually made the ball go through the hole the game was stopped and that person was given all the wagered loot, and was also able to take things from the audience or whoever he wanted too.

    Thing is, it was really difficult to make the shot. So a very rare occurrence.

    Also the audience got really into betting, some of them lost it all, and some even gambled themselves into slavery.

    Fun game!

  • "We're shocked that Joe Rogan would do this" - people who watched Joe Rogan do this to everyone else
  • He’s a stunt, JFK’s generational legacy is a reminder that aristocracy has not gone away, it just pantomimes as a participant in democracy.

  • Poll finds kiwis have the most positive attitude towards refugees in the world [not The Guardian's headline]
  • The reason kiwis are scoring so high is due to our burning desire to go up to foreigners and ask them “so what do you think of New Zealand?”.

    Naivety comes a distant second behind our obsession with finding out how we’re doing on the ‘world stage’.

    We’d be asking it before the refugees were out of the harbour as we gave them their cup of Milo.

  • Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 20/6/2023
  • The ETS is on my mind, and the strange weather.