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Which YouTuber still creates high-quality videos to this day? pronked 1 0
My mechanics. ---Et voilà!
She would kill it in this role pronked 10 2
I've started downvoting everything about this turd. He doesn't deserved to be discussed.
[Discussion] Project Hail Mary - Andy Weir (Spoilers) pronked 2 0
The last hundred or so pages were rough. I had to stop and read a book about trees to get through it.
It was an awesome series all in all, but man, did it get dark. So you re reading should I just make sure you're doing ok?
[Discussion] Project Hail Mary - Andy Weir (Spoilers) pronked 8 0
I read the three body problem trilogy at about the same time, it was so nice to have collaboration between aliens in hail Mary as opposed to the dark forest universe.
I thought it was great sci Fi, and I'm excited for Andy Weir's next. Love his sense of realism.