Remember when everyone was meming about AI mushroom books poisoning people?
Looks like it might actually have happened.
who tf is this?
They’re a self-described gay, furry ex-mormon who seem to have latched onto the rat & rat-adjacent communities (like EA) in the hope of finding a substitute for the certainty they used to find in religion. Last I heard they work for the Blocked&Reported podcast, i.e. Jesse Singal et al., alongside their job in the US military. (edit: their Twitter claims they’re a law clerk? I guess they moved on.)
On the surface they seem well meaning but naïve, the company they keep (perhaps) being a reflection of that.
I regret to inform you that Trace is hate-reading too & has posted this comment on their Twitter.
You’d think these people would have learned by now that there’s no upside in them spending their precious time on this earth obsessing over why a group of people don’t like them, but nevertheless here they are: drawn like moths to the flame.
Personally, I find the default theme godawful, so anything else would be an improvement. (I have just discovered that there are themes in the per-user settings & have switched to something less eye-wincingly painful in fact.)
IQ is largely a pseudoscientific swindle
Taleb dunking on IQ “research” at length. Technically a seriouspost I guess.