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Piškvor🇨🇿 🇺🇦 @ piskvor

Nejtrestuhodnější roztržitostí je zapomínat na radost ze života.Může obsahovat stopy korýšů,sarkasmus,ionizující záření a µplasty.Pakoňů se neptat! he/him

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  • @superkret @silvercove I've seen this as a "before and after" map for 2007 and 2017, IIRC. It was not very fast (most of the 2007 tiles were generated on demand), and it's not findable any more. That said, there's a service that seems to generate static maps from OSM data:

  • What are you guys mapping today?
  • @IDatedSuccubi @beta_tester That depends on what "fully mapped" is - a lot of my mapping tends to be tagging, not creating new objects: for ways - maxspeed, surface, lit; for POI nodes - opening_hours, wheelchair. Buildings - building_levels, roof:shape, building type (building=detached/apartments/commercial/shed/...). StreetComplete is efficient in terrain.

    Also, many artworks lack any tagging beyond tourist attraction= artwork, but that requires some detective work beyond mere mapping;)