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PrBoom+ (Doom) GitHub - coelckers/prboom-plus: This is a cleaned up copy of the PrBoom+ SVN repository as a courtesy for those interested in forking that port
This is a cleaned up copy of the PrBoom+ SVN repository as a courtesy for those interested in forking that port - GitHub - coelckers/prboom-plus: This is a cleaned up copy of the PrBoom+ SVN reposi...

A source port for Doom that supports vanilla and Boom formats. Fast and highly-configurable, my Doom source port of preference.
One Can Scarcely Help Clarifying Him: On Fyodor Dostoevsky’s "The Brothers Karamazov" By Michael R. Katz Parsnip 1 0
Has anyone here read the Katz translation? How does it compare to the other two?
One Can Scarcely Help Clarifying Him: On Fyodor Dostoevsky’s "The Brothers Karamazov" By Michael R. Katz Parsnip 1 0
I will be returning from a month-long vacation next week. Let’s see if my arch machine will break completely! Parsnip 1 0
Is guix pull
still slow? That was a problem I and a few others had a while back.