Or you'll reach a point at which you develop real principles, such as "don't compromise with fascists like the KKK"
extreme left positions such as "maybe we don't want to kill black people, even a little bit"
Engels' family owned a factory and he went to work there in a professional managerial role after 1848, and he's still upheld as the cofounder of the Marxist tradition because of his own theoretical contributions and how he supported Marx. Coming from a more privileged background doesn't make you a bad socialist, it's what you do with it that matters.
Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. —Karl
pretty sure the English is mixed in to let the Anglo posters feel smug and better about themselves, which is the general purpose of the meme itself
The target isn't really Chinese citizens or "Wumaos" but other English-speaking, terminally online libs/fash
I got curious about electronic typewriters not long ago. My friends got me a straight up old fashioned mechanical one though, lol