Panama Red @
panamared27401 @mstdn.social
N.C., USA. Management consultant, but not the crappy kind. Old, sweary, and stabby when provoked. #Antiracist; #Antifa; #Resist; trying to be a good LGBTQ and BLM ally. Interests: #journalism #media #maps #dataviz #astronomy #management #leadership #LearningAndDevelopment #learning #uspol #ncpol #cats #mastocats #kittens #CatsOfMastodon.
Posts 0
Comments 1
If you care about the planet, please make sure you sit down before you start reading this post about ExxonMobil.
Panama Red @mstdn.social 1 0

If you care about the planet, please make sure you sit down before you start reading this post about ExxonMobil.
Panama Red @mstdn.social 4 0

Right now, could you prepare a slice of toast with zero embodied carbon emissions?
Panama Red @mstdn.social 1 0

tl;dr: It's all bullshit fabulated by Big Carbon to keep us from regulating the planet back to health by regulating them out of existence (which is what it's going to take).