Oh my God that's adorable. I need to upload a picture of my dachshund on here, she likes to stand on her back 2 legs and beg for hugs. It's adorable
https://the.unknowing.dance/c/tma this is it here I didn't really know that so thanks for letting me know!
Magnus archives, fan community
A community dedicated to the Magnus Archives and Magnus Protocol podcasts, made by rusty quill! Feel free to talk about things that you liked, didn’t like, or anything at all! here is a link to their website [https://rustyquill.com/show/the-magnus-archives/] and a link to their youtube channel [http...
I saw someone else has posted here previously but it seems to be pretty dead and I can't really get in touch with the person over it so I started another one and I plan on doing some weekly content on there if anyone is interested :)
Does anyone have any experience with this game? Looks neat and I was thinking about picking it up on the steam sale, but I'm not sure.
Thanks everyone for the replies :) yeah I'll probably end up picking it up then.
Isn't that between 4 states though? Rather than 4 countries lol still super cool though
It looks pretty neat to me! Definitely will check it out and wishlist it. A quick question, you said like risk of rain 2 so will there be items or upgrades or something? Just curious. Looks neat!
Black books for sure
Yeah I have noticed the bug thing it's funny lol the pipes will break right in front of me and the bugs come out after
Did anyone else know this about the liquid morkite missions?
A fellow dwarf in my lobby recently told me that in the liquid morkite missions, depending on the hazard level, there's always 2 to 3 breakdowns and then 1 more when it gets to 99%. Is this true? If so I didn't know this and just found it interesting so I thought I'd share!