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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 12
Mexico's one big advantage over the US right now could stall the 'Made in America' push
  • In any case, the comment you answered to literally just said “Isn’t Mexico in America?”. Which means all of that is “Made in America”. Which makes the headline wrong and untruth.

    You said that, somehow, saying that is weird? Is that objective truth weird to you? An iPhone made in Mexico is an iPhone Made in America. That’s all.

  • Mexico's one big advantage over the US right now could stall the 'Made in America' push
  • There’s a reason we call them gringos.

    And you seem to misunderstand: you were the one raising the stink because someone mentioned that Mexico is America. You said that mentioning that is weird. It’s not because it’s an objective truth.

    Mexicans are Americans even is gringos think it’s weird or think that is weird they say that. That’s all.

    And mostly every South American will say they are from their country and not that they are “American”. But that’s mostly because you never want to look like a gringo in South America or risk putting a target on your back.

  • Mexico's one big advantage over the US right now could stall the 'Made in America' push
  • Maybe other American, non-US, people are tired of it? Mexicans are Americans. Chileans are Americans. Canadians are Americans. Gringos are Americans.

    America is a continent, not a country. As a non-gringo, I am still American.

    But the United States like to think they are unique and stand alone in the world, so they have cooped up the “American” name.

    That’s the weird part. Not people saying the objective truth that the United States are not “America”.

  • Apple Vision Pro failed to sell out on launch day
  • Well, this article says they are producing way less than that, selling it for way less than that, and they still had unsold inventory. I’m not sure from that how do you understand “and still not being able to keep up” when it literally says otherwise.

  • Wine Wayland Driver Lands Improved HiDPI Support
  • It’s starting to look like 2024 will be the year of Wayland. /s

    All jokes aside, it’s good to finally see more adoption from the different upstream projects.

    Also, why did I have such a hard time reading this article? I’m not sure if the text was user or machine generated.

  • A Texas Community Attracts Migrant Homebuyers and Republican Ire
  • Many homes are not built to code, and have no access to running water, electricity, or sewage.

    Geez, these immigrants are a problem because the government failed to bring basic services to the area. Got it, that makes sense.

    These are rumors; but they are also responsible for the rain that is now falling and also any wildfire. And they are also taking ourrrrjjooovbsssss

  • Level 5’s DecaPolice seems to be a lot of peoples favourite game at the Tokyo Game Show
  • I remember buying Fantasy Life without knowing what to expect and it blew me away. I haven’t really payed attention to this game, but as the impressions start to come out I think we may have another unexpected gem on our hands.

  • Level 5’s DecaPolice seems to be a lot of peoples favourite game at the Tokyo Game Show

    The super-stylish detective game DecaPolice from Japanese developer Level-5 seems to have been a hit for those who were fortunate enough to attend this weekend's Tokyo Game Show.

    Level 5’s DecaPolice seems to be a lot of peoples favourite game at the Tokyo Game Show

    > The beautifully animated game is a fusion of game genres, which generally shouldn’t work together, however, in Decapolice’s case they all seamlessly come together and it has ultimately left those who played it at the event very impressed. Level-5 has called the experience a “Crime Suspense RPG” which sees you investigate crimes and taking down the bad guys, though it’s not your job to decimate the enemy as in other games, instead you are tasked to restrain them

    What is this death trap?
  • Because if there’s something that Nano does better than Vim, I’d love to know what it is so I can make use of it

    What nano does better: being more user friendly and showing you the most common actions in the bottom part of the editor. A tool to do quick edits without needing to learn specific keystrokes for everything you want to do.