I also recommend Nitrokey. I have a Nitrokey Pro 2 and a Nitrokey 3 NFC and they both work well. Linux support is very good, and they also have good documentation on how to do most stuff you might want to do. +1 for being open-source as well.
Internet access? Never. LAN access though is a different story altogether...
I am lucky enough to have received an above-average education, in maths at least. It's definetly not the norm in Romania, especially in the countryside, and I could talk a lot more about the various issues that relate to this, but that's a bit beside the point.
I'm not really familiar with the education systems of the rest of the world, much less with their maths curricula, but I think that we generally cover more material in a shorter amount of time (which is not really a good thing, in my opinion, but it is what it is).
There was a lot of talk in the media a couple of years back about how our country performs poorly in the PISA tests, so our education is worse overall than the rest of the world. I can't really research the exact numbers right now, but I will try when I get the chance.
I would attribute the exhaustiveness mostly to my teachers. The books I used most were reasonably exhaustive in terms of range and domain definitions, but in all honesty I've also seen many books that were atrocious in this regard. Teachers here have quite a lot of freedom when it comes to details like these, so as long as they cover all the material, no one (in the administration) really cares about how they do it.
Florida Vaslui Man lovește din nou.
My experience with math class has been quite different. Most exercises specify the domain of the equations, and I've been taught to always work out the set of possible solutions (when it's non-obvious) before solving an equation, though I usually forget to do this and still end up with impossible states...
I use NixOS with single-partition btrfs on both my laptop and my desktop and have never had this happen. Curious...
Thanks, I might give it a try! For now I'm using this theme. It looks quite nice and it also works for gtk4/libadwaita.
Instituțiile publice române nu par să fi auzit de nebunia asta nouă numită TLS...
Remember this?
What happened to vlemmy? I've noticed it's been down for a while but I haven't managed to find out why...
I've been on NixOS for about a week now and I can say I've got access to pretty much all of the packages I was using on Arch just from nixpkgs. I even found it quite easy to package stuff myself!