My father in Belgium complains about this. The nearby pharmacy does not always have insulin in stock. Luckily my father is prepared and stocked up for months, but I sure hope things don't worsen too gravely.
I like Typewise. Nice big buttons, great gestures.
Wow only 7.5 pounds, I have to get one now.
Have you tried Bookwyrm? They have many language and genre instances.
The Secret Diaries of Charles Ignatius Sancho by Paterson Joseph
A great read so far. Very lovable main character constantly finds himself being tossed between hope and despair.
When travelling, I've come to really appreciate Singha soda. I'll be looking for it back at home, as it has a nice strong bubble, and is delicious - especially when ice cold.
Where was this sympathy of his when he was drone bombing children?