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Markus 🌱

Vegan 🌱 Train lover 🚂 Author ✍️ Norwegian 🇳🇴 Myself

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Comments 2
who even goes outside anymore?
  • Sure, it's most fun to run when you aren't at home, but it's very possible to run it while you're doing other chores.

    Or just run it on a lower setting while you're watching TV.

  • What's with telling YEARLY salaries?
  • It's not just a US thing. I've never actually thought of this until this post, but I'd think it's because taxes are done annually.

    Your employer says they'll give you X amount a year, but you receive X-Y into your account. It's easier to talk about X, then to worry about how Y fluctuates.

    It also makes it feel as if you're making more money. Raises for a year sounds better than when you divide by 12 and get the monthly.