Disable internet for that app. Problem solved.
I use Bookmark Folder. It works really great.
As default browser (in android settings and bookmark folder settings too) i use URLCheck, from Fdroid.
Bookmark Folder
Nice one. Did not know about it.
I also use duckdns.
But as i like doing little scripts and wanted to try this, i remembered to share here.
Script to check external ip and send to mail
Maybe it's useful for somebody.
Checks ip and sends to your email.
Save as ipcheck.sh
and put on /home/USER/
To check every hour, execute crontab -e and add this to the end:
0 * * * * sh ipcheck.sh
Here it goes:
uncomment and edit as needed
######################### #mail_to="email@sapo.pt" #mail_from="email@sapo.pt" #user="email@sapo.pt" #pass="password123" #host_params="--host=smtp.sapo.pt --port=587 --tls=on --tls-starttls=on --auth=on"
do not edit lines bellow
######################### ip_old="" ip_new="" if [ -f ip.txt ]; then ip_old="$(cat ip.txt)"; fi ip_new="$(curl --connect-timeout 10 --max-time 10 --retry 3 --retry-delay 0 -s icanhazip.com)"
if [ "$ip_new" != "" ] && [ "$ip_new" != "$ip_old" ] then echo $ip_new > ip.txt printf "To:$mail_to\nSubject: IP\n\nOld ip = $ip_old\nNew ip = $ip_new" | msmtp --timeout=10 -t --from=$mail_from --user=$user --passwordeval="echo '$pass'" $host_params fi ```