I‘m also currently using 1Blocker. What makes you dissatisfied with it?
I belive the total karma display was removed in 0.19. It now only shows the amount of posts and comments you created.
Sounds like your IT has not configured things correctly and they are most likely understaffed. The move to cloud to save on IT expense is the biggest lie providers tell. If you want the products to work well and fit into workflows they need to be configured.
I‘m not sure what its called but I used this one.
I also found this video guide very helpful. I believe I actually chose the rotation because of the video.
I would try the mage only method. I really struggled with the diary task myself but I eventually got it with mage only, the RuneLite plugin and reseting until I got the easiest rota. The wiki helps aswell.
Thanks, i wasn‘t expecting it beeing an iCloud feature.
Which setting is it on iPhone? I can‘t seem to find it in the safari settings.