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Copilot exposes private GitHub pages, some removed by Microsoft
  • Kind of a nothing burger.

    These repositories, belonging to more than 16,000 organizations, were originally posted to GitHub as public, but were later set to private, often after the developers responsible realized they contained authentication credentials allowing unauthorized access or other types of confidential data. Even months later, however, the private pages remain available in their entirety through Copilot.

    The repo was listed as public and archived. It's not clear from the article but I suspect that the "private" information is just a copy of what was made public and not the information added after it was made private.

  • What Game Should Replace Doom As The Meme Port Of Choice?
  • I thought of Crysis also when I read the title. But first, I'm down for Quake and more specifically QuakeTF (team fortress). I spent way too much of my youth playing quake and qtf (honorable mention to UTF).

  • Cozy Winter [3000x2467]
  • Is it from an old pic that happened to be good quality?

    I'm not sure. It's not oc and I don't have source.

  • Software for creating music sheets
  • Tux Guitar comes to mind but some things like chord diagrams isn't done as well as guitar pro (imo).

    For chord diagrams (like at the top of GP), there's hundreds of websites out there which show those and its probably quicker to just use those. I'll usually just search "C chord <instrument>".

  • Ottawa force un retour au travail temporaire à Postes Canada

    Ottawa a finalement décidé d'intervenir dans le conflit de travail opposant Postes Canada et le Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs des postes.

    Ottawa force un retour au travail temporaire à Postes Canada
    Valve removes arbitration from its Steam agreements — here’s what that means for you
  • So why would Valve do this? It may be a response to several law firms’ attempt to file “mass arbitrations,” wherein “hundreds or thousands of consumers bringing individual arbitration claims against the same company at the same time and over the same issue,” according to It’s essentially a loophole for class action waivers and arbitration clauses, though it still won’t end up in court.

    Hit em right in the pocket book.

  • Le 25 septembre : une journée de célébrations pour les Franco-Ontariens

    cross-posted from:

    > Bonne fête des franco-ontariennes et franco-ontariens! > > L’origine de cette journée remonte au 25 septembre 1975, date à laquelle le drapeau franco-ontarien a été levé pour la première fois à l’Université de Sudbury. Conçu par Gaétan Gervais et Michel Dupuis, ce drapeau est rapidement devenu un puissant symbole d’identité pour les Franco-Ontariens. Ses couleurs et ses symboles racontent l’histoire et l’environnement de cette communauté : le vert représente les forêts d’été du Nord de l’Ontario, tandis que le blanc évoque les hivers enneigés. La fleur de lys rappelle les racines françaises, et le trille blanc, fleur emblématique de l’Ontario, souligne l’appartenance à cette province.


    Le 25 septembre : une journée de célébrations pour les Franco-Ontariens Le 25 septembre : une journée de célébrations pour les Franco-Ontariens

    Christiane Beaupré Le 25 septembre est une date emblématique pour les Franco-Ontariens, symbolisant la fierté et la résilience d'une communauté francophone vibrante au sein de l'Ontario. Cette journée, reconnue officiellement en 2010 par le gouvernement provincial, célèbre l'héritage culturel et ...

    Bonne fête des franco-ontariennes et franco-ontariens!

    > L’origine de cette journée remonte au 25 septembre 1975, date à laquelle le drapeau franco-ontarien a été levé pour la première fois à l’Université de Sudbury. Conçu par Gaétan Gervais et Michel Dupuis, ce drapeau est rapidement devenu un puissant symbole d’identité pour les Franco-Ontariens. Ses couleurs et ses symboles racontent l’histoire et l’environnement de cette communauté : le vert représente les forêts d’été du Nord de l’Ontario, tandis que le blanc évoque les hivers enneigés. La fleur de lys rappelle les racines françaises, et le trille blanc, fleur emblématique de l’Ontario, souligne l’appartenance à cette province.

    1 Canada’s Leaders Must Reject Overbroad Age Verification Bill

    Canadian lawmakers are considering a bill, S-210, that’s meant to benefit children, but would sacrifice the security, privacy, and free speech of all internet users. First introduced in 2023, S-210 seeks to prevent young people from encountering sexually explicit material by requiring all...

    Canada’s Leaders Must Reject Overbroad Age Verification Bill

    > Canada’s S-210 is part of a wave of proposals worldwide seeking to gate access to sexual content online. Many of the proposals have similar flaws. Canada’s S-210 is up there with the worst. Both Australia and France have paused the rollout of age verification systems, because both countries found that these systems could not sufficiently protect individuals’ data or address the issues of online harms alone. Canada should take note of these concerns.

    What's up with financial sites refusing to delete your account?
  • The answer depends on the country. In the US, review the Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. In Canada, there is the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA) regulations and also the CRA requiring the individuals and businesses retain their records for up to six years.

    if there’s some sort of way around this either with a lawyer or federal form or something.

    Very unlikely.

  • Whats your favorite color of light, why?
  • #FF00FF

    In terms of physiology, the color is stimulated in the brain when the eye reports input from short wave blue cone cells along with a sub-sensitivity of the long wave cones which respond secondarily to that same deep blue color, but with little or no input from the middle wave cones. The brain interprets that combination as some hue of magenta or purple, depending on the relative strengths of the cone responses.

    In other words, our brains are like "🤷‍♂️, here's a thing"

  • It's time for change, it's time for Linux. | DankPods
  • Terminal is life!

    But also, easy mode Linux distro for the technically challenged would be great

  • Explaining software development methods by flying to Mars
  • It's a feature, not a bug

  • What is/was your distrohopping journey?
  • Windows 98 -> Slackware dual boot (with big ol' red grub screen) -> windows up to win 10 -> debian(laptop) win10 (pc)

    Gonna try getting a new m.2 drive and dual booting soon to test playing the games I like on Linux. If all goes well, I'll be moving away from windows

  • Trying to ditch windows
  • (theres a mac version but isn’t the same)

    There was a mac version. But it is hitting EOL in August

  • Dislike Copilot's responses? Make better prompts, says Microsoft
  • After using AI chat stuff like this and chatgpt, ive come to the conclusion that building prompts is akin to building search queries for search engines. Wherein using the right terms leads to better results.

  • 'Freedom Convoy' organizer from Sask. suing federal government for using Emergencies Act to freeze accounts
  • Ok, now I'm confused, the article you linked says:

    1. Federal government was justified in using the Emergencies Act

    But in this (OP) article, it says:

    Federal Court Judge Richard Mosley ruled it was unreasonable for the federal government to use the Emergencies Act to quell the protests.

    And then this article says:

    Ottawa has filed to appeal a Federal Court decision that found its invocation of the Emergencies Act in response to the 2022 Freedom Convoy protests was unjustified.

    Anyone out there want to loop me in?

  • CRA now allows 2FA apps
  • why is it 30 seconds instead of 60 seconds? I’m pretty sure every other TOTP I’ve seen is 60 seconds. My jaded take: the blind pursuit of “better security” even though… what does this even imply? Someone has 30 fewer seconds to read the code over your shoulder and log in on their device?

    30 seconds is the default for TOTP implementations.

    I’m curious to know what CRA does, but I’m away from my PC right now. Yes, you can stop getting SMS messages.

  • Neovim - White Space on demand in Visual Block mode?
  • command! -range -nargs=1 PadColumns call PadColumns(<line1>, <line2>, <args>)
    function! PadColumns(start, end, columns)
        execute a:start.','.a:end.'s/\(.*\)\zs\s*$/\='.'repeat(" ", a:columns - len(submatch(1)))'

    Use by typing in Normal mode :PadColumns 20. This will add spaces after the line or selected lines to the column you specify (in this case, 20).

    You could probably improve this by getting the length of the longest line and so you dont need to specify the specific column to add spaces to (20), and instead just add say 5 spaces after longest line for all lines.

  • Neovim - White Space on demand in Visual Block mode?
  • I do not think that this is an existing feature in neovim, however this seems to work :%s/\(.*\)\zs\s*$/\=repeat(' ', 15 - len(submatch(1)))

    Change 15 to the column desired. You could probably create a function where you pass the column number you want so that you dont have to type this string all the time.

  • Grieving parents said they were told to pay $200 to meet Quebec minister
  • During a legislature hearing on Thursday, Antoine Bittar said he had been advocating for tougher drinking and driving legislation when the CAQ offered an opportunity for him and his partner, Élizabeth Rivera, to meet minister Geneviève Guilbault at an October 2023 fundraising cocktail.

    Bittar said he and Rivera each paid $100 — the maximum annual political donation — because he felt it was a chance to press their cause and keep it from stagnating. The couple said they were offered four minutes with the minister, two minutes per person.

  • When you drink bottled water, you're drinking lots and lots of plastic particles
  • I am commenting on this section of the article:

    "We and others have shown that these nanoplastics can be internalized into cells and we know that nanoplastics carry all kinds of chemical additives that could cause cell stress, DNA damage and change metabolism or cell function."

    Somarelli said his own, yet-to-be-published work has found more than 100 "known cancer-causing chemicals in these plastics."

    And also

    What's disturbing, said University of Toronto evolutionary biologist Zoie Diana, is that "small particles can appear in different organs and may cross membranes that they aren't meant to cross, such as the blood-brain barrier."

    My point being that it's unlikely that bottled water is the only source of these plastics.

  • When you drink bottled water, you're drinking lots and lots of plastic particles
  • I wouldnt be so quick to blame all of this on water bottles when a high percentage of all the food we consume is packaged in plastic and also the left overs sitting in the fridge.