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Anfang 30 🤯 Papa👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Ehemann 👩‍❤️‍👨 Schwarzwald🌲 Mechaniker 🔧 Hobbygärtner🌶️ DIY 🪚 Metalhead 🤘

K1 \*02.2020 K2 \*06.2021 K3 \*05.2023

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Comments 2
What is your favourite [#fdroid]( app? Would be interested if I can discover a few new cool apps, I missed until now. Thank you already for sharing! [@fdroid](https
  • Not just one app but the group of apps from simple mobile tools. No unnecessary permissions, easy to use, good functionality and a clean uniform UI make them really usable.

  • What is your favourite [#fdroid]( app? Would be interested if I can discover a few new cool apps, I missed until now. Thank you already for sharing! [@fdroid](https
  • Not just one app but the group of apps from simple mobile tools. No unnecessary permissions, easy to use, good functionality and a clean uniform UI makes then really usable.