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mmmplak mmmplak
Posts 1
Comments 4
"Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
  • I mean who can argue with that. Things got weirder on the second page of this thread. I just can’t take this seriously.

  • /kbin server update - or how the server didn't blow up
  • I just want to say that I.. we appreciate all of you and all of the work that you are doing! We are happy to be here!

  • /kbin meta mmmplak

    Inspired by the KBeanaut drawing!

    It’s from this thread. It got me thinking about how much I also like the name kbean so I drew the mascot shaped like a bean. I made the space helmet circular so changing the head and facial features would be simpler. Same goes with the suit, simplified it so it’s easier to modify. Added jet packs cause we are explorers or make it something else. Place the mascot in a square or circle canvas. The background can be anything or keep it clean.

    Just throwing out ideas here. Share your drawings or concepts if you like. As @digitallyfree has said, “Developing a mascot should be a community effort”.
