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mjpc13 mjpc13

Hi, it's-a me, Mario!

A Robotics enthusiast with a MSc degree in Engineering Physics, currently diving into a Ph.D.

Posts 2
Comments 8
Linux users with uncommon or unusual setups: tell us about it
  • Maybe I'll write something in the future

  • Linux users with uncommon or unusual setups: tell us about it
  • It was not too hard if you are already familiar with Nix. The features supported (and the custom Linux kernel) can be found in surface-linux. For NixOS I used the nix-hardware flake to simplify things.

    The worst part was the compilation of the Linux kernel, that took hours on the surface. Eventually, I used the remote nix build feature to compile on a more capable computer.

  • Linux users with uncommon or unusual setups: tell us about it
  • I have a Microsoft Surface 7 running NixOS. Everything works, even touch/pen

  • Scary
  • YYYY-MM-DD is easier to get sorted since most significant number is on the left.

  • Well, this is something! (fossil-free electricity in Europe)
  • The past few days in Portugal were very windy, might explain the high renewal percentage.

    It is a very misleading number/information.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Reminds me the Max Fosh video of him cooking a meal in an active vulcano

  • Rust vs Julia in scientific computing
  • I use both Julia and Rust, I did shot a few times in the foot with Julia (for instance, getting memory leaks on the GPU). Now, I use Julia (the REPL) when I want to quickly script some code and use Pluto.jl to plot data and teach programming.

  • Julia in 100 seconds

    A quick overview of the Julia Programming language.


    2023 Julia User & Developer Survey

    The 2023 Julia User & Developer Survey is now open!

    Julia users and developers are encouraged to participate. The survey is available in English, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Japanese and Korean.

    Results will be presented at JuliaCon in July.

    What distro(s) do you use?
  • I use EndeavourOS with Hyprland on my laptop but I am considering trying VanillaOS (once they move to Debian base). On desktop I have Ubuntu 20.04 and EndeavourOS (both on Gnome)