From my experience with Linux - your hardware will almost certainly work just fine without a problem.
It'll be your Windows software that you're going to have potential problems with. This is likely way less hassle than it was 10-20 years ago - wine has been continuously improved, DirectX 12 was open sourced, and a lot of software is run in web browsers these days anwyay, but depending what you're trying to do, it can still be a challenge.
I have a degree in CS... actually spent some time implementing email protocol as part of a class to send test messages through I think websockets in Java or something. It was really interesting and kind of a cool project.
I ain't touching that shit. I'll more than happily let my domain name provider manage that for me so I can focus on bigger and better things going through yet another Civilization 5 Vox Populi campaign.
Senate Republicans introduce plan to tackle student loan debt
The GOP package, called the “Lowering Education Costs and Debt Act,” consists of five bills that the senators say will address the root causes of the student debt issue such as the increasing price of college and students taking out loans they can’t afford.