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Spotify has raised prices for the second time in a year, with no new benefits, after its CEO sparked outrage by claiming the cost of creating 'content' is 'close to zero' mcbabybokchoy 1 0
Sharing a track from Tidal will take you to a page that links to the song on multiple platforms. Try this:
That doesn't help for whole playlists, but it at least helps with sharing with friends
A cool guide to PIN code safety mcbabybokchoy 6 1
Eddie Van Halen used a guitar amp called the Peavey 5150. I imagine it's that.
It's Time to Ditch Evernote for One of These Alternatives mcbabybokchoy 1 0
I've been using Syncthing for this purpose. My notes are synced between a desktop, laptop, Android phone, and Android tablet. It took me forever to finally take the time to try Syncthing, and it's been nearly flawless.
It's Time to Ditch Evernote for One of These Alternatives mcbabybokchoy 1 0
Sounds like you're talking about the readable line length setting. That's an option you can turn off in the default settings of the app.