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M Belayet

Tutor, Youtuber and a proud Muslim. 🇧🇩

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Comments 2
Were you ever denied a book by a librarian?
  • @HelixDab2 Well, if I leave a golf ball in a large field and you search only the part of the filed and take decision that probably the ball is not in the filed, it definitely will sound ridiculous; simply because you haven’t even searched the whole field. Have you read anywhere that someone or group belonged to science has mentioned that we have searched the whole universe and didn’t found God? I am sure you haven’t.

  • Were you ever denied a book by a librarian?
  • @HelixDab2 @duderium You are yourself in confusion and the word 'probably' clarifies that. God willing, you haven’t any proof that He doesn’t exist though you don’t have proof either if He exists. The problem here is: there are many things about that we might say: probably don’t exist. May God show you His path.