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Ahead of Chair Vote, Progressives Say DNC 'Failing Disastrously' to Learn From Loss to Trump
  • A resounding failure by the DNC with two years before the next election (if those even matter anymore) is literally the best time to be critical.

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results all that. DNC keeps failing to beat Republicans, time to try something else.

  • Activist says trans people can’t trust Democrats to protect them anymore
  • The problem with democrats is that they always hold progressive action overhead like a carrot. "Vote for us, we'll establish trans rights/universal healthcare/codify roe v wade!".

    Then they don't do it because they want to use it as a fundraising and election platform next go around. If they just did things when they had power people would be more willing to vote for them.

    And yes, I know that there are Republicans and independents blocking progressive action. But that doesn't excuse the DNC from doing what I described above as well as constantly shitting on popular progressive candidates.

  • Florida poll shows Trump leading Harris by just two points
  • Consider that they feel the same way about democrats as you feel about them. Also consider that they are always told that third party votes are ineffective. At that point, they might decide not to vote.

    Also, in before I'm accused of being a Trump shill, that I won't vote, or that Harris is still better than Trump. I know she is, but she also is abetting genocide and I'm okay with that being a hard line for me when I'm in a blue state. Dunno who I'm voting for president between her, third party, or leaving it blank, but I'll definitely still be voting for other races.