Well, I mean, that's one way to get a cheap divorce, no?
I am with you on this. My problem is that the regular videos on, say, YouTube are too long. They take forever to get any point across, aside from disclaimers, ads, sponsored segment, etc.
I wish there were a happy medium. The five minute video that talks about something with enough depth that you feel like you have been informed but need to dive in deeper if you want the full picture. (Instead of the 30 second video that throws around flashy animations in an attempt to wow you, or the 30 minute video that could have said everything in 5 minutes.)
Obviously, your mental health and well-being and that of your partner are the first consideration. Please do whatever the two of you need to survive the times.
That said, when I read, "it's either me or these beliefs/trump," I wondered how you would have reacted if your dad had said you have to choose between him and being gay/your partner. I assume you might have shut the door in his face, felt good about it, and never looked back.
I doubt he'll feel any different about it.
If only! That's <$300 total "savings," but the proposal is to return only 20% of it, so something <$60
Shayne Smith is a legend. That bit he did on terrorizing the Mormon "bad" kids was hilarious!
Cars are the tip of the iceberg. What about smart home appliances, like garage door openers, or door locks? They all come with their stupid apps, and once the company is dead, suddenly your home stops working.
We really need mandatory standards: post APIs for client-server connectivity and make the connection URL configurable.
I think the Federal Court just decided the town of Castle Rock thought itself above the law, not the church.