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Dug my pet piggy's grave. Dark stuff and animal death.
  • It kinda is the same. It's grief. Just dredged up some shit I didn't want to have to process, so I dumped it on y'all, in my case. Didn't sleep a wink, but I'm feeling a little better. Can't fuck up my schedule so I'm going to check my groundhog traps when it gets light and work on the kid's 3D printer.

    Everybody is different in processing grief. I tend to crawl off like a cat and be solitary in it in person. I text and write about it to strangers, it helps me get the poison out and doesn't hurt anyone.

    We have a little cat named Lulu. She's a special cat, deadliest mouser, feral but loving personality. Only ever had one other like her. We plan to get a sample taken and stored, if we can afford it, we'll get her cloned. At least that's what we tell ourselves. Don't want to think about that. I'll pay cat tax but only if you ask. Can I see your Sphynx?

    Also, that's fucked up by your in-laws. You shouldn't outsource the decision unless it's the vet telling you. And recently after y'all had loss? Who's the parent in this? I'm judging people I don't know but that doesn't sound ethical at all.

  • Certain hobbies set off warning bells
  • No fucking shit. As a redneck that hunts and goes fishing, it's miserable being around pretty much any other dude that is a hunter and finds out that I hunt. No hunting buddies or anything for me. I've seen a prayer circle at the gun range before.

    Good thing I like solitude, I guess.

  • House hearing abruptly ends after GOP lawmaker misgenders Sarah McBride
  • That's been my experience with my trans homies. As long as you try and get the pronouns right, little slips ain't a big deal. They usually seem shocked that a redneck like me would even make the effort. Which is real fucken sad cause I figure that means they deal with it maliciously, more often than not, from people that look and talk like me.

    Mr. Rogers would have something to say about not treating people like they want to be treated. If Mr. Rogers would be disappointed in the way you treat others, you're fucking up and should feel bad.

    I have a dumb tongue and really struggle with non-english names, it's the same thing, normal people don't care as long you make an effort.

  • And I even lost the one that I had
  • Oh, that whole otherkin thing is absolutely a symptom of mental illness or maladjusment. I'm being blunt, and I expect you will find this insulting. I have no intent to insult or demean.

    If you're being genuine, you should seek help. I've seen it a fair amount, the same with DID self diagnosis. If you think those things are real, you are likely experiencing a personality disorder or struggling with some other mental illness.

    While there are plenty of voices online that will tell you that you are this way and it's okay, it isn't. It can be socially isolating and impact your life in negative ways. Not trying to be disrespectful. Gender dysphoria and transgenderism/non-binary have scientific backing. Otherkin and DID seem to be an outgrowth of the kink and autistic communities, seems to be a very infectious thing. The otherkin thing came to my attention about 15 years ago and DID popped up maybe 6-7 years ago.

    Seems to be a metastasis of otherness into a maladaptive identity pathology. Personally, I don't think I've ever seen it in anyone who isn't on the spectrum.

    I generally excuse myself from an in-person conversation when someone mentions they are kin or DID. It seems to be a treatment resistant pathology and latches on similar to bad religion. It is self reinforcing and isolating.

    Again, I'm saying this with respect and care as an active participant of the kink/queer/leather community. I'm all about some pups, D/s relationship dynamics, but I also try and stick to science. Labels serve us, we are not our labels. Please seek counseling if you haven't already.

  • Side Effects of Ketamine Could Explain a Lot About Elon Musk's Behavior
  • I know, but let me have my happy thoughts.

  • Elon Musk 'Close to Tears' in Interview, Says He's Running Businesses 'With Great Difficulty' as Tesla Sees Worst Stock Drop in Years
  • And afraid. They should be full of fear, pain, and loneliness when they go into the dark.

  • Side Effects of Ketamine Could Explain a Lot About Elon Musk's Behavior
  • That does seem less than optimal, doesn't it?

    Now, forcing him to take auyahausca with a real hard ass of a shaman to confront him might have utility. Then, maybe he should have to live a life of service. Cleaning and caring for the elderly and infirm in a third world slum, some of his billions could be used to pay to have this be supervised.

    That might be good.

  • And I even lost the one that I had
  • Wow. That's pretty warped. It sounds joyless and isolating.

    I enjoy my meat suit and find joy in the meat suits of others.

    If this is actually your worldview and not just you concern trolling, I recommend you seek some counseling. I say this with respect and concern.

  • Side Effects of Ketamine Could Explain a Lot About Elon Musk's Behavior
  • No doubt! They are powerful medicine and should be used with guidance, especially at first.

    I really like the trip guide method. An experienced person can shepard a person or small group through a trip. There is counseling before hand, maybe goals or problems to be considered during, counseling/discussion in the weeks afterwards. Screen for familial psychosis/schizoid disorders.

    Medicine that should be respected, not really something to party with.

  • And I even lost the one that I had
  • Boo. Gender differences are part of the human condition and can be funny. You just have to let it not slide into misogyny or misandry.

    Hang out with some drag queens, if you don't find their gendered humor funny, you need to have a think about your worldview.

    Also, cis-het is naturally the majority of people. They are going to find humor in their shared gender differences.

  • And I even lost the one that I had
  • Your cat appears to malfunctioning or maybe stoned. You may want to return it to the factory for service.

  • Harbor Freight
  • The 12 horse noxious fume generator got me.

    I'm in these pictures and I accept it.

  • Elon Musk’s Biographer Warns Billionaire Is ‘Going Mad’ Due To ‘Combination Of Depression, Drugs And Stress’
  • Goddam. That's an old, big, reamer. Looks like it's for hand reaming wood. Modern reamers for metal are very different.

    The funny thing is, that's the perfect tool to ream a bunghole for a good fit for a plug.

  • Side Effects of Ketamine Could Explain a Lot About Elon Musk's Behavior
  • Those are true, non-addictive, psychedelics and the world would be a better place if more people were given them with a proper guide. Ketamine is significantly different and addictive.

  • Someone made a nonviolent luigi post and it was deleted.. wonder why?
  • I'm sorry for your loss. They murdered your mother for profit and it enrages me. I've personally suffered at the bloody hands of the insurance companies as well. The insurance companies fill me with a cold deep rage. I hope all their leaders know fear before they come to their end.

    I have kids as well. I'm no longer religious but I believe in Saint Luigi and pray that others are inspired by his noble actions. Truly.

    If you're willing, please share the name of the insurance company and the CEO that murdered your mother for money.

  • Man accidentally shot self in foot while attempting to kill cockroach
  • You know, it could be a little derringer. I've never fooled with one and don't know a lot about them. They're cute little toys, but they have such low utility that the danger inherent in loaded guns outweighs carrying one.

  • Etherium logo finally makes sense
  • I had to order medication using crypto off a darket once, anti depressants for a loved one. I used something crazy like Kali on a cheap flash drive. It worked just fine and I felt like Hackerman.

    My acid days are long gone. Psychedelics in general, actually. Mushrooms learned me enough and were a good teacher.

  • Man accidentally shot self in foot while attempting to kill cockroach
  • Take a look at double action semiautos like the Ruger LCP. I think it's the best of both worlds.

  • slow loading and timeouts, Jerboa app, morning of 2-18.

    Been getting slow loads and timeouts all morning. Figure it will probably resolve on its own. Didn't see any reports. Running Jerboa 0.0.77-gplay.


    Recommendations for teenager's first printer.

    My son is about ready for his first printer. His school is running Cetus MK3 printers, he has a class using them, and his teacher has recommended this printer. He also has an educational seat of Fusion 360.

    I'm proficient with Mastercam and hand written/modified G-code. I can help him with CAD no problem. Alignment, assembly, adjustment, and backlash are second nature for me. Have a little better than layman's understanding of printers. (Lusted over the Markforged printer that could do continuous carbon fiber.)

    Eventually, will be building my own shop and hope my son might work with me. Hope to include printing, especially in metal.

    I've seen some of the flap about Bambu and them closing up the software tool chain. I would like to avoid that sort of thing, for now, openness is better.

    Top of my budget is around $500, with $200 probably being better.

    Usable prints for tooling/spacers/repairs would be a bonus as would being able to print UV resistant plastic.

    My goal for him is to get gud at modelling and get a feel for computer controlled movement. Another goal, harder to describe, is him finding the joy in mechanical tinkering and producing an idea made physical.

    Thank you much! What do?


    Project 2025 trackers?

    Any of y'all got a tracker that is following which portions of Project 2025 have actually been enacted? Something like the chump lawsuit tracking? Not finding anything with a search.


    Lilith and Lulu.

    They hate each other so much.


    Cyberule Dystopia

    Just looking up some DIY medical procedures and then the unwanted AI goes off the rails.


    Large ceramic or stoneware piece.

    Found this broken piece in the creek bank. Southwest Pennsylvania. Farmhouse was built in 1922. Coalmining country.

    Would have been about 18" in diameter. There is a rough coating in the glaze on the inside and outside of the bowl section. Abrasive enough that I figure it served a mechanical purpose. There are three grooves on the rim that aren't symmetrical to each other.

    There might be a makers mark in the center of the glaze inside but I can't make it out. There is also a light blue/green stain on the bottom that might be a mark.

    Any ideas?





    celeb_pics spam

    Celeb_pics appears to be some bot posting from Cluttters up /all.


    Rewinding an electromagnetic clutch.

    The electric PTO clutch on my 1969 mini tractor is dead and discontinued.


    Original winding is aluminum 18 gauge. Manufacturer specs were 2.88ohms, 237 turns. The manufacturer specs didn't quite physically match what I found when I took apart the old clutch. If I understand this correctly, the 2.88ohms is the most important part and will pull 4.17 amps.

    I just attempted a coil with 18 gauge copper magnet wire. I made it to the max dimensions I can get in the housing with a scramble wind. I'm getting 1.2 ohms, which would pull 10 amps or so. Not good.

    Was able to get 187 feet given the resistance.

    If I go with 20 gauge copper, assuming I can get 235 feet (1.26 * 187) and I should get 2.319 ohms. Probably get a little more than 235 feet and get the resistance up a little more.

    What does this do to the strength of the magnetic field?

    Would I be better off putting a power resistor in series with my 18 gauge coil?

    Any advice greatly appreciated!


    Neurotypical here, had a realization about my 'type' of romantic interest.

    Cishet male. In no way do I mean offense or have I tried to take advantage of lower functioning individuals, that's just sick. Best I can figure, I'm a typical. Maybe I'm a little crazy; but who isn't.

    During a discussion about my son's neurodivergency, I realized I have a 'type' of woman. (Son is technically stepson, but he's my boy.) I tend to be attracted to high functioning women that are on the spectrum.

    I've been in four relationships with divergent women, three serious and two extended friends with benefits. I've been in two serious relationships with typical women. Many flings with typical women. Figure that's pretty statistically unlikely.

    In my experience, divergent women tend to have a refreshing openness in communication. Painfully honest. Direct. They have some weird stuff that can be alternately cute and irritating. When sleeping they either don't like to snuggle or like being an octopus. (My preference is octopus but my wife only tolerates some side contact.) They like to discuss instead of argue. Sexually adventurous and willing to work for satisfaction. They prefer precision in statements. I find myself writing in an extended way that I don't engage in with other people and try and pay attention to grammar and punctuation. Pretty sure this doesn't apply to all women on the spectrum, just my 'type'.

    I dunno, just a strange realization, especially at this stage of life. It's not a fetish, just something that has occurred.


    not a mushroom, but figure someone here will understand.

    I'm 30 hours into a real bad trip. Didn't do it on purpose. Was cutting angel trumpet with an knife, was burning theroots.

    Good thing Im experienced. Hospital would have been expensive.

    This is some real bad shit. It's not fun. Stay away. Brugmanssia, Datura, hogweed, voodoo vine, don't fuck with it

    Edit: waking up again, talked to my girl, she's okay. Have a unreal headache like a hangover. Going back to sleep. Typing is still difficult.

    Edit: holy shit, still coming down. Trying for more sleep. I poisoned myself on accident. This is the nastiest thing I've ever run in to and I have experience. Please be careful around Angel trumpet and daura and such.

    Edit: the boy is making me drip-drop electrolyte drink. I ate some olives. Ate some canned fruit. He found me some crackers. He's tired of hearing me tell him I love him. We're all going to be okay. It was close.

    Edit: my fucking head hurts. Been a rough time. Think I'll be able to sleep hard soon. Walked to the corner store and back. Bought the boy every twix they had.

    Edit. Now able to spit, gag and hork. Had hiccups for a while but didn't puke. Digestive system is waking back up. Had cotton mouth for two day des.

    Edit. I'm down. Heavy shakes. 2:45am. Had to sleep with the light on in the bathroom. Going back to sleep in a minute. I just about died and now hurt all over. Real sleep is so nice. Y'all take care.

    Edit. 7:00am. Just got off the phone. I've put my girl through a bad scare. She's happy now, says I sound more normal. Sense of smell is returning. Boy is still asleep. We're taking the day off, can load the truck tomorrow. Head hurts, ears are ringing. Drinking water and thinking about some coffee.

    Edit: 10:46am. Speech continues to improve. Put hydrocortisone cream on my arms at my wife's direction.She's a RN. Boy fed me a coke and a liquid IV. Was able to take a hard piss earlier.

    Edit: 11:40am 7-29-24. Here are some pictures of the rash on my arms and hands as well as the flowers.

    Edit: 1:49pm 7-29-24. The boy and I are watching Steve1989 eat some real old Twinkies. Clear fluid coming out of the sores on my hands and arms. The girl and I researched. Don't think there has been kidney or liver damage.

    Edit: 10:04pm. 7-29-24. Sent my son to take a shower, going to brush his hair out. Will be going to bed shortly. We watched documentaries about beaches, cars, and guns. I've eaten crackers, cheese, Spaghetti O's and jello. Have a truck to load and a house to clean tomorrow.

    Edit: 6:21pm 7-30-24. Rash continues to develop. Was able to do a limited amount of work today. Canceled the appointment with realtor for tomorrow. Have eaten around 5-650 calories and will try some chicken soup in a little while. Used shopping bags as gloves to put the exposed clothing in the trash. Took a short walk. Arms itch something fierce, face feels sunburned. We're watching Lassie on YouTube.

    Edit: 6:09am 8-1-24. Had over a 1000 calories yesterday and was able to eat a pb&j. Most calories are coming from boost meal replacement drink. Had a much better night, was able to fall asleep around 1:00am. Been up and down several times. Lot of heavy sweating while asleep.

    Think the reishi tea I drank last night kicked in. (Have used reishi I collect for around twenty years as a general healing and health agent as well as for my autoimmune disorder. Swelling of rashes is down as is the itching. Ganoderma applantum is the variety I find in the southern woods, usually yellow or cream but occasionally brown. Lighter the color, the more bitter it is, seems to work better. Have a bunch of Turkey Tail, Trametes versicolor, but don't think it's indicated. My belief in the usefulness of Reishi is anecdotal and may be placebo but I'll take what I can get.)

    Had normal dreams, normal for me, I guess. Only got a bullet graze once in the dreams. Feel fairly normal, still a little weak but much more improved. Was able to turn off the music and sleep without it in the night. Was able to quit focusing as heavily on my heart and always having to slow it. Going to try and snooze a little, will look for vitamins


    Saying goodbye tomorrow to a couple of guys I was close to.

    In the final stages of moving from the deep south to a northern state.

    I used to run a shop under a corporation. Long story, but I integrated the shop, and built something beautiful. I had to use a temp service to do a lot of my hiring, I hired lots of black folks because they were undervalued and I could give them a good environment and pay. Was just starting to hire women. COVID and Qanon blew it the fuck up.

    Tomorrow I'll be having lunch with two of my former crew. One of them is the only man I've ever called brother. He was my neighbor and best friend for years. I would have trusted him to help me hide a body. The other feller was a kind and gentle guy, had a bad divorce but was a teddy bear, was on the road back up.

    They both went down the rabbit hole real bad.

    I miss who they were and the shop we had. It was fucking jazz. I protected all of them from corporate. We made shit happen. I fought to get them more money and got fucked over myself.

    I've lost my parents, my grandfather, my aunts and uncles and cousins to the insanity. Thank jeebus my grandmothers and one grandfather are dead.

    Tomorrow I'm going to hug my brother and tell him goodbye. He isn't really my brother anymore. I don't trust him. I love him. He's not the man I knew.

    It hurts a lot. It broke my heart.


    Lunch was good but rough. My son got to see me cry for the first time, afterwards, so I guess that was good.

    Then my closest former friend came over this evening. Texted my girl:

    "Holy fuck. Joe has some sort of grandpa weed that he he'd be saving. I hit once and I'm all fucked up. They smoked a whole blunt. Then I learned about how taking ivermectin was a good preventative and that Susan is actually a Mayan priestess discovered through astral projection."


    We're finally moving! Been planning this since 2020.

    Have lived in the deep south my entire life. Things went really badly during 2020 and we realized we needed to get out. Started saving and preparing, our plan was to move before the next election.

    We have bought a 1920's farmhouse that still has 9 acres. 100 year old apple trees, blueberries, vineyard. It's amazing. Part of the land is industrial zoned with power and I'm going to build my machine shop there. We got a steal of a deal, it would be a $500k house and land here.

    I bought a '98 Chevy box truck. The boy and I will be making our second trip tomorrow.

    chronicpain Machinist

    I need to stiffen up and pull some more.

    I hurt. I hurt all the the fucking time. My belly hurts. I'm reducing my drinking but it really sucks. The withdrawals suck real bad.

    Lost my colon to U.C. Have a bag on my belly.

    I have to move my family out of the south. I have to be physically able to do it. We have to get out.

    If I get them out maybe I they'll be able to live happy.

    I just want to die. I want the pain to stop. I don't let my people know. They can't do it without me.

    I'm tired. I hurt all the time. I'm tired of hurting. I could turn it off, but I don't for now. I'm tired of the pain. I love them and they need me. I just want to make sure they're in a good place, away from here. Then I can finish it.


    klanned karenhood

    Rumor says the event is back on. Fire department and police overruled on capacity issues. One brave soul said he'd show up in bad drag suggestively eating bananas at attendees/bootlickers.


    UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) with Wireguard connecting to Mullvad VPN sanity check on UFW setup.

    I would really appreciate it if someone would double check me. Sorry for the screenshot. Either the Lemmy code button isn't great or I'm just dum at formatting.

    This has local *arr servers available and traceroute shows me going through the VPN.

    The largest blue blotch is the ip address of a mullvad vpn server.

    Rpi4, Raspberry Pi OS lite.

    Mullvad VPN. IPv6 has been nuked. Using Wireguard through wg-quick.

    wg2 originates from a .conf file from Mullvad with IPv6 stripped.

    Do these UFW settings look right?


    Small fan switch sanity check.

    Circuit is for controlling the fan on a Raspberry Pi, just on/off according to temp, no PWM. Not sure about the diode as it has a .7V drop and it's a tiny brushless DC motor. No markings on the fan so I measured the current with a multimeter when hooking it up to a USB charger. Circuit was adapted from here using what I have on hand.

    Suggestions? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    *EDIT: Confirmed, this circuit works on a Raspberry Pi 4. Base was wired to GPIO 17 and manually tested using commands:

    raspi-gpio set 17 op dh

    raspi-gpio set 17 op dl

    I didn't use a breadboard, just hack-n-slash with the wires coming out of the fan, the leads on the thru hole components, a jumper connected to gpio 17 as a socket for the base/resistor lead, and heat shrink tubing for insulation. Folded it up as I closed the housing. Case combo including heatsinks and fan here.


    Sacramento Sheriff sharing automated license plate reader data with anti-abortion states Sacramento Sheriff is sharing license plate reader data with anti-abortion states, records show

    An attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation called automated license plate readers ‘a growing threat to everyone’s privacy.’

    Sacramento Sheriff is sharing license plate reader data with anti-abortion states, records show

    cross-posted from:

    > Sheriff’s Office shared license plate reader data with law enforcement in states that passed laws banning abortion, including Alabama, Oklahoma, Texas


    Sound of Freedom: indie movie that Qs are getting wound up about. Sound of Freedom

    Sound of Freedom, based on the incredible true story, shines a light on even the darkest of places. After rescuing a young boy from ruthless child traffickers, a federal agent learns the boy’s sister is still captive and decides to embark on a dangerous mission to save her. With time running out, he...

    A good friend's q-lite mother and sister are apparently raving about this movie. Stars Jim 'Jeebus' Caviezel, who is going to Q cons and talking about adrenochrome and such. In theaters now.

    It's, supposedly, a true story about Tim Ballard, who runs something called O.U.R. Operation Underground Railroad. Tim Ballard is a Q. I don't closely track Q mythology, but it sounds like the standard child sex trafficking and adrenochrome torture stuff.

    Here's a Rolling Stone article about it.

    Anyone got the scoop on this thing?


    Hate on Display™ Hate Symbols Database

    Ever wonder about the meaning of a bumper sticker on the tailgate of some redneck's male enhancement device?* This is a useful reference to look it up. A local tattoo parlor posted some neo-nazi ink a while back and it came in real handy.

    * as a redneck, I'm allowed to judge the fuck out of them

    1 Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from US House Freedom Caucus

    U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump, has been voted out of the hardline House Freedom Caucus group after clashing with a fellow lawmaker, a caucus member said.

    Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from US House Freedom Caucus

