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Facebook Puts a Price on Privacy in EU, EEA and Switzerland: It’s 9.99€ a Month + 6€ for Each Extra Account
  • “Meta declined to comment on whether subscribers’ data would be used for anything other than ads.”

    Not answering is an answer.

  • vent
  • The cookie wizard is the most annoying thing that I’ll continue to do on principle.

  • We are not the same
  • Even at work I’ve seen developers embarrassed at having others look at their code that was honestly quite good.

  • How SoftBank played it safe in pricing Arm's IPO - Reuters News Agency
  • I’m still just glad this didn’t land in the hands of Nvidia…

  • Meta is promoting Threads posts on Facebook and there’s no way to opt out
  • I feel like if you’re still willing to use anything Meta has touched, you have no excuse to be surprised by this kind of thing.

  • Netflix may hike prices after success of password-sharing crackdown
  • I re-subscribed to Netflix for the first time in about a year and a half a couple of months ago. After watching a few things periodically, I'm already lukewarm on the content. I just got an antenna so I can watch some local things (news, sports, etc.) and I'm not sure I'll bother with Netflix going forward. I see another cancellation looming in my future, and that'll only come faster if they decide to increase the price yet again. Most of the time I already feel like I'd rather be reading a book than watching TV.

  • The history of Vim
  • It was really interesting to read about the slow connection speeds and screen painting being so influential in how many of vi’s commands were conceived.

  • Into the Labyrinth: Revealing the Mantic Minotaur (Ubuntu 23.10 Wallpapers)
  • I haven’t used a non-server Ubuntu installation in quite a few years to see any of the others recently, but that’s one slick-looking wallpaper in my opinion.