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I am here to learn and face the truth, not avoid it and sometimes this can alas lead to confrontation when others prefer the latter to the former.

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Up to a Trillion Cicadas Are About to Emerge in the U.S.
  • @silence7
    The question here is will their call be drowned out by the incessant braying of Trump?

  • Right now, could you prepare a slice of toast with zero embodied carbon emissions?
  • @ajsadauskas
    These are excuse trotted out by deniers in order to keep emitting and/ comes from entitlment. Not saying that's you bit thats essentially the sane arguments they use

    As to the toast allegory, it's a nonsense argument because even then poorest Africans have emissions, a duck has emsisions, the debate needs to be around sustainable emsisions.

    Apparently BP holds a gun to peoples heads and tells them not to vote Green, to fly to Bali for holidays and to buy a car and not cycle. It's not their fault Chevron hasn't invented a zero emsisions plane and zero emissions hovercraft.

    You will AlWAYS have emsisions, the trick is we need get them to about 2-3t per annum (living like the average Cuban, not the average Australian) so do your bit to get your personal emisisons down to where they need to be AND vote Green to move the Overton Window and start allowing structural reform.

    If it all sounds too hard just wait a few decades until Climate Changes destruction really hits home to even the developed world.

    Everyone has to eat, no one has to fly or drive a car. Everyone can Vote Green (not to get them into power but to show all polticans it's time to take this seriously) and to allow the rise if the really radical politcans we need.

    Voters don't, not becase of BP, Chevron or Shell but becase of greed, entitlement and apathy.


    >"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little." -Edmund Burke
