I got it on PC. I have pretty successfully played it in a pretty low-spec PC - GTX 970. It was at medium graphics, and the computer couldn't play other videos at the same time, but it was still pretty solid.
Yeah - it really caught me off guard. After getting stomped by a couple of the Kitakami Ogre Club members, I decided to build a new, EV-trained team, which I don't generally do. I assumed, based on the levels in Kitakami, that we would be at around 80, but that unfortunately put me over leveled. The double battle surprise caught me off guard, but my level difference allowed me to out-muscle pretty much everyone. Until I got to the steel type E4 - she and her very unexpected strategy almost completely wrecked me. Wellspring Mask Ogrepon was my last fighter, and just barely managed to take out her last 2 mons - it was wild.
Still slowly working on the second half of the Pokemon Scarlett DLC, The Indigo Disk. I've really enjoyed show rolling these - spending a bunch of time just wandering around to see what Pokemon show up (especially in the terrarium), doing a bunch of random Tera Raids, and building EV trained teams. I've even caught 3 or 4 half-odds shinies as I've been wandering.
I am also working on my first couple games of Civilization 7. So far, I'm really enjoying it. Yeah, there are information presentation issues and a couple bugs, but I expected all of that when I bought it. This is a Civ title in launch, after all - 5 & 6 launched basically the same way. 7 does have some more issues with the UI than was normal previously, but that obviously stems from it being designed to support consoles. I fully expect those to mostly be ironed out in the next few months
I'm working on a few games right now, but I have a 4-month old and very limited time.
I'm in the middle of the Pokemon Scarlet DLC, and what to finish that up
I've started a new farm in Stardew Valley because it's really easy to play for 5 or 10 minutes and then put down. I haven't played yet with 1.6, so I'm excited to see what's new.
I've also started gathering the supplies to start a new build in Minecraft, which I really want to make some progress on
I can't speak to how well 5e would work with dark sun, but 5e is very much about epic heroism. Levels 1-3 exist entirely as an introductory system to avoid overwhelming new players - IIRC, there are official suggestions to just skip them if playing with experienced players. Additionally, they are designed to go incredibly fast. The meat of the game really starts after that, and the characters quickly catapult to functional super heroes.
I'm taking a break from Animal Crossing to try and finally finish Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. We'll see how far I get this time. It's got a lot of classic RPG feel that I really love, and the Ghibli animated cutscenes are gorgeous, but I'm really not used to having to "watch" my games, so we'll see.
The oldest system I have would be the NES. My brother received it sometime before I was born. I'm just holding onto it for him, though - it doesn't get played right now. I actually intend to clean it all up and retrobright it before sending it back to him... eventually... The oldest system I have that still gets occasional use would be my Gameboy Color, which I received, with Pokemon Red, for Christmas when I was 8 or 9. Unfortunately, I need to find a better plastic polish, to take some light scratches out of the lens, and until I do, it will remain disassembled... I've also been contemplating using the board for a complete boxypixel overhaul, but there's something about still having my full original GBC that I'm having a problem getting over...
Continuing with my wizard's island in Animal Crossing, although I'm more just putting my daily time in right now. I finally worked up the drive to continue on my Minecraft chateau build, so that's eating most of my creative energies right now.
I'm not super sure. If I recall correctly, we've known for a while that something was going on, because surface hearing alone couldn't account for all of the water evaporating from oceans, but we couldn't tell what. In defense of humanity here, the concept of photons interacting with something as comparably massive as molecules is kinda wild. We were caught way off guard when the photoelectric effect was announced, and that's photons interacting with whole atoms instead of just elementary particles. The idea of the photomolecular effect is thus even wilder.
If you read the article, it's pretty clear. Instead of the energy of the photons being used to heat the water molecules to state change, that energy is used to break the molecular bonds between small groups of water molecules, and those groups are small enough to then be picked up by the air and evaporate. This way, the energy contained in a photon is converting much more liquid water to water vapor than if that same amount of energy was actually used to excite the water molecules, as in a microwave.
I own and have played the Gameboy remakes a few times. I would say going 1-2-3 shows the progression of game mechanic development really well - each feels like a refinement of the previous with some fresh new ideas added in. Additionally, though it's a fairly loose tie , the story across the 3 of them is related. That being said, though, I believe 2 is pretty widely considered to be the worst game in the entire franchise, so... Your mileage may vary. It is admittedly the one I've played least, and I probably haven't picked it up in the better part of 2 decades, so it's a bit vague for me anymore.
I am but a humble traveling troubadour of Lower Noblesse. Or that is what I would have you believe. In truth, I am an information broker and spy for Steel Anne, the infamous forest bandit, and her band of Jolly Fellows from the Robbin Woods.
Silver Dragonborn Ancients Barbarian - I wanted to try a tanky build again, after not liking my attempt with paladin. He was Con primary, Str secondary, using a Warhammer and shield, and I was excited to see how the path of the ancients intersected with things like shield Master or sentinel. He was from a tribe of remnant Dragonborn after Abeir split back off. His tribe used to rely on shamans that communicated with their ancestors, but the last one had passed in his grandfather before he was identified as a new shaman. His sister died in a horrible accident, and his communication with her spirit was how he was identified. No one in the tribe knew how to help with his gift, so he went out into the world, accompanied by the spirit of his sister, to see what he could learn. His rage manifested as an icy white cloud rolling over him and falling to the ground, slowly revealing the spirits that accompanied him. I planned for him to notice and get to know more and more of his ancestors' spirits as he got more powerful - including his grandfather, a taciturn half-dragon, and a happy-go-lucky silver dragon. Unfortunately, I had to bow out of the campaign just as we hit level 3, so I never got to experience any of it. ☹️
Yes, and that's their goal. They don't want viable universities for the masses.
IDK. Most of the early games were actually pretty entertaining. I fairly recently played sorcerer's stone on the gbc, and it was still pretty fantastic.