It will be near the top of the list of fonts since it begins with "A". I think that was what they were getting at.
Yeah. I've seen her do other videos and she doesn't play a game. I think it might just have been a way to keep the tone conversational. Near the end, as she got the complex stuff, the game got harder and her presentation suffered a little. I'm hoping she doesn't stick with this format: not my favority.
I watched the video a couple of weeks ago, I think, so my recall might not be exact. However, my takeaway wasn't that the scientists expressed excitement about their ideas. Instead, I think her issue was that they continued to outwardly express excitement and hype their field even after it was obvious that it was an avenue of inquiry that could never be meaningfully tested. I think she found these later actions to be disingenuous and harmful to the larger field.
Whether her assessment is accurate, I can't really say since this isn't my field. However, I recall many of the discussions she cites in her summary and her characterization seems fair. My gut says that there is at least some validity to her criticisms.