Posts 0
Comments 4
Tin can pull tabs: Do you shred your fingers to open them or do you use a spoon like a sensible person? 6 0
I use a knife.
Are there any common household items or products that you think are designed incredibly poorly? 5 0
OMG I thought I might be the only one!
I do this too and it drives everyone nuts but it's so much better!
Only thing is sometimes I miss a snot rocket that goes astray.
What are the signs you've noticed that you're getting older? 16 0
I have to keep scrolling further and further back every year on age verification for websites.
What is your profession? 3 0
I work in travel insurance claims. I'm in a third party administrator for underwriters. When you're on a trip and you get hurt or get sick, you give us a call and we get a claim started for you.