Honest Government Ads: 2025 Election 1 0
Haven’t heard that Cranky song in ages!
Perverse incentives leave young Australians locked out of community housing, study finds 7 0
In the classic tradition of “fuck you, I got mine”.
Know any good pinball video games? 2 0
Absolutely, pinball dreams and fantasies are classics and still fun on DOS. Still have pinball dreams and pinball fantasies on my iPhone from when they were first ported. Great when I’m offline on a plane, not so great for the person in the next seat when I’m trying to tilt.
Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now. 5 0
Dental plan! Lisa needs braces.
Mint is shutting down, and it’s pushing users toward Credit Karma 1 0
Yep, still rocking my YNAB4 from steam too. Agree, the new one adds nothing for me either.
Lost Mitten [OC] 3 0
Perfect image for this song The Lucksmiths - The National Mitten Registry
People who chop and change lanes constantly: Why tho? 5 0
That last tip could say “Ensure you have /your/ head checked”. That could help…