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Kevin Karhan :verified:
Kevin Karhan :verified: @ kkarhan

\#PNCHNZS 24/7! \#Antifaschismus = Verfassungstreue! Gegen #Angstkultur & #Entrechtung - für bunte #Vielfalt! Impressum: Pronouns: he/him You may know me from shitsite:

Posts 0
Comments 6
Is there a FOSS app like Printer2Go, PrintHand, PrintShare and Nokoprint? (Large printer support and printing over USB)
  • @user224 #CUPS and #hplib on #Linux do work quite well...

    A lot of those just magically work out of the box and only require few changes like setting up paper size and colours/monochrome printing...

  • 20 killed & tens injured in a back-to-back Israeli massacre as jetfighters strike Gaza school sheltering displaced Palestinians (NSFL Video)
  • @Silverseren @Sparlock @ericisshort yeah.

    People should f**king CW shit!

    Not for me but maybe people may be somewhere not alone and some may not want to see or show it ot others...

  • 85% Of Car Drivers Break 20mph Speed Limits, Reveals U.K.’s Department For Transport
  • @TDCN that's quite low.

    People speeding 100% over limit usually get barred for life from attaining any permit unless they get medically certified to be able to drive.

    And even then they'd likely not face charges for speeding alone but literally charges for attempted homicide by gross neglect and recklessness.

    I mean if one's driving like 100km/h on regular city roads they don't just loose their license but face serious jailtime.

    And I think that's more than justified.

  • 85% Of Car Drivers Break 20mph Speed Limits, Reveals U.K.’s Department For Transport
  • @TDCN @Showroom7561 Personally, I think banning.someone from driving hurts them harder than loosing a vehicle, as one can't just get a new driving license - the loophole that allowed one to just make a new license in another EU member state has been closed for those barred from (re)issue of a license.

  • question: What's a good alternative for Chrome's standalone PWA-s?
  • @korun aside from #nwjs / - containers?

    Good question and the answer depends on your OS, the targeted #WebApp and performance requirements...

    @fuchsiii may know more...