I'm ancient, websites with little to no CSS (and absolutely no client side scripts) are refreshing. I don't know if I'd like all of web to be like that, but there's something to be said for the absolute individuality of everybody writing their sites from scratch.
It's way too easy to spin up a Wordpress installation and be done with it.
It kinda depends on on distance. I live in a country with a long shared border with Russia. Putin, putinists, Ukraine and whatthefuckcanwedoaboutit are regular and well researched debate in here.
In here American politics/elections are not in daily discussions but they surely are a thing to follow/be aware.
So here on Fediverse it is what most active users see and do. It's pretty American (and German). Far away from the war and Putin.
It's really great to be able to browse via all - these days it's very easy to bubble up in some echo chamber. I've been here since the great API apocalypse and you all have made me research so many topics I'd never looked up on my own.
Find something middle sized. I work in a bakery, around 200 employees. I do some industrial automation, in house IT support and I ended up writing ERP for the joint. I think I could get 20 to 30 percent more at a larger company but here I do what I want and not what I'm told to.
I'm old enough to be in this relationship for nearly 20 years. It started on a dating site, in the early 2000's Internet and that site managed to get two introverts into happy union. I think that would look rather different for more social butterflies.
My father is a leftie and as a young child I found it cool that he could do stuff with left hand while I was only able to use my right.
That inspired me to learn how to use both arms and that really has been a blessing - being ambidexterous is awesome. It was especially great when I finally learned to stick weld with my left hand. So many impossible corners are just corners now.
To my knowing there's round 5% of people that are totally left handed or totally right handed. Every one else, please learn to use your non dominant hand.
There's also the fact that in Finnish it's properly ihmissyöjä (personeater or some such). Kannibaali is quite used loan word but we do have our own.
I have not, and on a glance it looks really interesting, thank you! I will give it a spin and I really hope it is the editor of choice from now on.
I will not make vim my sweet as it is optimized for us keyboard. Most of the shortcuts are awful in my native (Finnish) layout. As much of a heretic I am, there is a place for mouse and windowing display managers.
What I do miss from the Redmont dystopia is Notepad++. Can do anything, can be explained over the phone.
That's the way it works. I had an uncle with multiple sclerosis (spelling?). He used to get his PC infected with all sorts of ransomware back in late 90's. For him credit card was the answer, luckily his siblings mostly got somebody to clean the shit up.
That's the funniest thing - I'm one of those senile Digg to Reddit people. Digg to Reddit was something I felt and dreaded. Reddit to Lemmy was a relief. There is not as much to click but everything is worth a click.