Also ich find es immer spannend zu lesen! Genau so, wie es ist, bekomme da viele Eindrücke, wie es bei anderen so läuft. Da ich selbst nicht Zuhause anbauen kann zur Zeit, gibt's natürlich von meiner Seite außer dem Daumen nach oben nicht viel zu kommentieren.
Und mit Highlights wie "Yogurette mit Senf" machst du ja allgemein in der Community viel guten Content ^^
Also schau einfach, ob du Interesse findest, es weiter zu machen, und dann nur in dem Umfang, der für dich passt. Posten wirst du ja sowieso, warum nicht dann auch zu diesem schönen Hobby?
"The outlet (Newsmax) also warned that a future administration could target conservative media in a similar fashion."
Yeah hardly doubt that. The one weakness of all Democrats is abiding laws ^^ the US wouldn't be where they are now, if Democrats actually took a stand for democracy.
Yeah I think there is a lot of harm coming from that none-altruistic sentiment of having to "deserve" anything good in this world.
Just like the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" or how the saying goes and of course the capitalist propaganda myth of the "dishwasher to millionaire" thing.
It all links the basic need of money in our society (=to be able to exist) to personal effort, and as we judge ourselves very harshly by that standard, we are even worse to others. Especially because we never see their full picture, only pieces of the puzzle they call "life", and we fill it up with the worst projections because that's just what we presume: the other people made this or that because they are dumb or evil - the first thought I observe in conservative or extreme right minds in my vicinity. And maybe more people in any political spectrum, don't know.
And maybe that is telling a lot about myself as well, maybe I project all that onto the society I observe.
But either way, without altruism we will never reach that Star Trek life without money and with so much unity ^^
Absolutely feel you, kinda similar situation at work atm. What frustrates me the most is that none of the IT personnel understands my frustration because most are not in that kind of IT community and don't share the ideas behind all that. Just here to earn a dollar, whatever system we're working on. No intrinsic desire to make the world better or at least more secure, none of that. Just robots and bureaucrats.
Absolut, nachdem ich es jahrelang abgelehnt habe aus Datenschutz Gründen hab ich nun auch Mal mindestens eine Supermarkt App auf dem Handy. Und noch eine für nen Tierfutter Handel. Bei den Preisen fühle ich es schon immens, regelmäßig 5 oder 10% zu sparen, so sehr mir der Datenschutz in der Seele brennt.
So langsam gebe ich es glaube auch auf, hab selbst mittlerweile zwecks diverser Gruppen WhatsApp auf dem Handy (Kita Eltern zb).
Es ist total sinnvoll, als Privatperson auf Datenschutz zu achten, aber solange es der Staat nicht übernimmt und sinnvoll regelt, ist das keine Lösung. Und der Zug ist vor über 10 Jahren abgefahren und funktioniert mit den internationalen Monopolplattformen auch eh nicht. Irgendwie ein Kampf gegen Windmühlen, von Anfang an.
Wenn es sich nicht mehr um Einzelfälle handelt.
People in Germany like to complain about the amount of reporting on US politics in the media outlets like it's not really important. I wish it wasn't. I really wish US politics wouldn't be part of the global enablement of far right shit.
I mean what are we supposed to do, when the new Nazi empire and its worldwide coalition is based in America? Supported by Russia? And major European countries like Italy, France, Germany and so on?
Speeches like that from JD Vance give so much support to all the crazies here in Europe, unbelievable.
What are you going to do about the world's richest man living far away in freedom land?
Let the billionaires own all important social media platforms, ignore the monopolies for decades and then Pikachu face your way out of this.
At least we all go down together ^^
I don't know what to think about that. I don't think that low income Republican voters will feel the face eating of the leopards they voted for as what it is.
And I'm not even American, but I can see that this exact same thing is going to happen here in Europe/Germany as well. People will vote for the extreme right parties that have all their propaganda on how they are going to give money to the small people and make the country more secure - and at the same time their political programs and past behavior screams "we will give tax cuts mainly to the ultra rich and never cared about the low income people".
And they still get voted for. We just love us some good old fashioned fascism. Maybe I need to change my mindset and just be like "let's gooooo"
I personally dislike the mixture of natural light and artificial light, and I think I see this kind of contrast of blueish (natural) and yellowish (artificial) lighting in your picture.
Don't know if that's a general rule, but I have made only ugly photos with mixed light sources.
If I remember correctly it messes with the white balance, especially when set to automatic. So it always kind of looks wrong for one of the two mentioned light sources.
In the German translation it still says "Golf von Mexiko (Golf von Amerika)". But still crazy how only one American company seems to be necessary to integrate changes of that geographical magnitude. As dumb as it is, it gets done.
I think the downvoting comes from the aspect that even your cited sources have nothing to do with the original story. Because the ethnicities you are talking about have nothing to do with the black/white or African/Caucasian basis of modern racism. And hence the scientifically correct differences between peoples in different parts of Africa in your cited studies are not helping in any way, nor do they prove anything in regards to the original question.
That's the thing about racism I think: it's never really making sense, because it's based on pure pseudo science of the 19th/20th century.
True, never looked into the protective mechanisms in our constitution. But I bet there is a way to change these mechanisms, once you are the reigning political power.
Will have to research on that.
Thought about that regarding the current events in Germany. If people democratically vote for fascism, that's still a democratic vote. Only the outcome might be less democratic (or not at all) but at least once people choose this path willingly, following democratic rules.
At the end it's perfectly legal to do this. The question is more if it's good or bad. It maybe even stupid. But here we are.
It sounds like a great idea if you don't think too long about it and none else has it yet. People like that don't care about security or privacy concerns, as long as there is no law against it. Gotta earn money and the competition is fierce.
And with "people" I mean executives just as much as engineers. Gotta earn money fast > being ethically aware of the implications of your work
I really like Elon musk as an example for this. When you have won the capitalism game and can't get more anymore, and you still look unhappy and seem totally unbalanced.
Unnecessarily anatomically correct I guess? We had ducks when I was little and it just now came back to me that I witnessed that once. Thanks but no thanks
Aren't all the tough guys more like in the pits of gatekeeping hell, regardless of subgenre?
You're right, forgot that you can just not encrypt on your servers end and use cloudflare to do that for you, especially when used as CDN