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"There's a thing that I don't know what is" - Is this correct grammar?
  • To clarify - I think your proposed grammar is valid but the phrasing is uncommon. It’s not a phrase I would expect to hear. Though I would understand the gist of what you’re expressing.

  • "There's a thing that I don't know what is" - Is this correct grammar?
  • Best sounding recommendation probably depends on context and ‘the thing’:

    There’s a concept I don’t understand.

    There is something in the box I don’t recognize.

    There is a feature of the coffee machine I haven’t figured out yet.

    There’s a Greek word in the original text that I don’t know.

  • Panels keep increasing in size every time I run a scene
  • My guess is it’s likely not a bug but an unexpected (by you) interaction of the tool script with whatever layout you’re doing.

    If you can post example code demonstrating the problem someone will probably be able to pinpoint what’s happening.

  • [Solved] Why is _ready() being triggered before the splash end?
  • Sounds like you found a workaround.

    There might be some tricks here that could help too:

  • Need help with flipping/mirroring Bone2D and Inverse Kinematics
  • I think your supposition about using ik just to capture (key) animations is right. I wouldn’t delete the bones after because you might add or tweak the animations later.

    Then you should be able to -X the scale for whatever the root node 2d of your character is.

    Maybe helpful:

  • Having trouble with 3D rotations
  • Here's a nice tutorial vid - simpler arcade-like control than my example. Looks like this is for Godot 3.x but the concepts should translate to v4 pretty closely.

  • Having trouble with 3D rotations
  • I think I have it working as you describe - in the latest version on GitHub. That is more complete now than the code snippet above. See if that helps.

  • Having trouble with 3D rotations
  • Now for no good reason I added flaps that rotate with the controls. Definitely feature creepin. I’m out! Good luck op!

  • Having trouble with 3D rotations
  • Not shown in the code here for simplicity, but in the project I added a little bit of yaw drift when banking.

    I’m sure there’s a more accurate way to simulate all this. Just messin around.

  • Having trouble with 3D rotations
  • True. Just showing roll and pitch. This is not op’s code… oh perhaps that’s the thing op really needs to see though? I’ll update the example to show it…

  • Having trouble with 3D rotations
  • (Not op, just an example)

    I don’t know an optimal answer here. I see various discussions online about flight control variants. However, here is a simple example I set up out of curiosity. Maybe useful? I’d like to hear about what you end up with.

    Project code at:


    plane controller script:

    extends CharacterBody3D
    var print_delay = 1
    var next_print = 0
    const SPEED_MPS = 500
    func _physics_process(delta):
    	var input_dir = Input.get_vector("ui_left", "ui_right", "ui_up", "ui_down")
    	if next_print <= 0:
    		print("-z: ", -transform.basis.z)
    		next_print = print_delay
    		next_print -= delta
    	var roll = -input_dir[0]
    	var pitch = input_dir[1]
    	rotate(transform.basis.z, roll * delta)
    	rotate(transform.basis.x, pitch  * delta)
    	velocity = -transform.basis.z * SPEED_MPS * delta

  • Having trouble with 3D rotations
  • Not tested but perhaps you should be using rotate_object_local - so the rotation is in the plane’s own axis, rather than that of its parent.

  • DAE make their own book covers?
  • Did you do the skull door sketch too? Looks awesome anyway.

  • Wirtschaftsweise warnt: "AfD schreckt ausländische Fachkräfte ab"
  • Ob besser oder schlechter ich erwarte die AFD Meinung dazu ware „gut so! Mehr Arbeit für deutscher“.

  • Debatte um Elterngeld - Soziologin Kreyenfeld: Geplante Kürzung sendet falsches Signal
  • Muss keine Kinder zu Hause machen. Mach einfach weiter mit Krieg und Klimakrise. Wir werden eine ganze Menge Seelen bekommen.

  • Biden Calls Cuba “Terrorist” While the People Demand an End to U.S. Terrorism against Cuba
  • Reeeally need to stop letting old people perpetuate failed 1960s red scare politics with Cuba.

    I suspect sending McDonalds over there instead of the CIA would have worked out better.

  • Share your latest hobbies!
  • How about a Pipe Smoking group? !