Spirit animal: The Doctor
I believe society is a thing built by the powerless to keep the powerful in check, and that politics & policy failing to reflect this are incomplete at best.
Enjoy overanalyzing pop culture and building weird, practical and/or funny sh\*t. Also, playing guitar.
I'm argumentative. This doesn't mean I hate you, or that I need to "win", or that I don't respect your position - but if you can't take an argument, don't engage.

@18107 @ajsadauskas - which means the best way to fight is politica. Yes, I know this sucks immensely, I know it's slow, unforgiving, difficult - but it's the only way.
"- and let them know that if they don't do it, I will rain hellfire down on them all. I will show them that government is more powerful than any corporation, and the only reason they think it tilts the other way is because of civil servants looking for a fat private sector handout..."