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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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  • Are you also getting the feeling that this was the intention the whole time? To "clean house" as it were and cause an exodus by certain people they deemed to be...freeloading...or not conducive to their future bottom line? Those who tend to have a negative impact (or drag) on their advertising and investor pools?

    Because that's been my feeling all along.

  • Linus Torvalds -- Creator of Linux -- defends gun regulation, woke communists, womens rights AND trans rights. Linux is political!
  • This is exactly what I was thinking as well. Why is it so hard for folks to separate what someone creates from the creator? If we found out the person who created, say, the bandaid, was a militant Nazi homophobe who advocated for marriage at the age of 6, should we feel guilty every time we need to cover a cut or scrape?

    Personally, I don't know much at all about Linus, what he prefers for breakfast, whether he wears slippers in the house or goes barefoot, and so on. He could staunchly advocate that my country do away with its present form of government and declare him dictator for life for all I care.

    I like Linux. I use Linux. It gets the job done. End of story.