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Cult of the Dead Cow unveils Veilid peer-to-peer project
  • This is precisely it, and is a similar approach to the ones used by other anonymization networks as well. This allows your entry node to know your node/IP is using the network, but with a secure end-to-end tunnel, nobody along that tunnel knows the entire source -> destination path or data, so it is usually considered sufficiently anonymous and secure.

  • Cult of the Dead Cow unveils Veilid peer-to-peer project
  • They state they take inspiration from Tor and IPFS, so there are added transport layers below the top layer "P2P" that obfuscates ones IP address. It's nothing new really, and I'm honestly not sure what the advantages are over something like I2P, which largely doesn't suffer from Tor's issues of node ownership as there are no guard or exit nodes to own (unless expressly configured), while also being faster overall.

  • Can We Make Bicycles Sustainable Again?
  • The infographic on carbon emissions per style of bicycle, with cars as the (predictably) most damaging bar on the graph is very interesting. I hadn't anticipated materials in manufacturing to make quite this intense of a difference. Makes me glad I bought a 1980s steel frame junker that I maintain and repair as issues crop up, but that kind of "project bicycle" isn't for everyone, let alone the compatibility issues driven by companies (likely to increase profit).

    Something to keep in mind as I recommend bicycles to people who may not be as affectionate towards old beat up projects as I.