Jon Sullivan @
joncounts @mastodon.nz
Kia ora! I'm a #nature nut, addict of #iNaturalist NZ — Mātaki Taiao, and an #ecologist at #LincolnUniversity in #Aotearoa-#NewZealand.
I spend an inordinate amount of my time counting nature to watch what's changing (see https://wildcounts.org/).
\#TwitterMigration #NZTwits #ecology #EcologicalMonitoring #NaturalHistory #iNaturalistNZ #iNaturalist #wildcounts #RStats #Biodiversity
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Comments 1
So just imagine we let one man, and his company, buy most of the papers in our regional cities and small towns.
Jon Sullivan @mastodon.nz 1 1

@ajsadauskas @australia Yes, let's not imagine that. It would be a very stupid thing to do. (Oh, wait!)