Seems a lot of people hate this game for what it's not, while I'm just taking it for what it is and having a great time. I LOVE being rewarded for exploring so much. Seemingly every nook and cranny hides a chest or a body or a trinket and it keeps me going. I appreciate how they focused on having a fun experience and not micro-managing. It was a nice change from the norm.
Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!
Will they make another collector's edition with an awesome statue like they did for Space Marine II? They might get me with another crazy statue.
It launched February 25th on console. It lasted TWO WEEKS. Impressive!
Fuck. I didn't see this before my first comments. Am I going to get banned? I swear I didn't know. I'll do better, I promise!
What an awesome show. Kinda wished we saw a title switch companies, but still a great night with tons of fun action.
What a great stretch of wrestling we've had lately. Spoiled!
Man. Poor guy. Really gotta feel for the nazi billionaires trying to destroy the world when their feefees get hurt. Chin up, champ!