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jjagaimo jjagaimo

Igor Forgor

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Comments 70
    1. w_s = 2 * pi * f_s

    2. since you need to sample at 2x or more the highest desired frequency to get proper reproduction, it should be w>(1/2)w_s

    w > (1/2) w_s
    w > (1/2) 2 pi f_s
    w > pi f_s
  • me_irl
  • I,already have then tagged as a troll. Its usually the same people over and over again.

  • Mozilla Introducing 'Terms of Use' to Firefox
  • Ladybird is open source by the SerenityOS team but it is pre-alpha so it will be years before it is usable for most people

  • [SquiddyTron] Just Act Cool
  • Dogs cant differentiate red and green because they only have two types of color receptors (cones). Theyd percieve it similar to someone who is red-green colorblind.

  • What are the democrats actually doing to help?
  • Not owning a branch of government has never stopped republicans. They would rather get dragged out kicking and screaming. Democratic politicians have largely abandoned their voting base and claim their hands are tied and there's nothing they can do, because they are too used to being able to just skate on through without much experience fighting from a disadvantage.

    They can do things like organizing their voter base to fight back in constructive ways and pass local legislation, unify the party on voting for certain politicians, inform their voters about special elections, bills and places they can help out, push a more populist and or progressive agenda, and stop fucking abandoning and lying to their own voter base. They need to be willing to physically lead their constituents

    Republicans are so cohesively brainwashed because the republicans have been targeting media and disinformation for decades. They organize extremely well at the local level, and are willing to do almost anything for power.

    The democrats need to show equal fervor for defending democracy and they've just been cowards so far, telling people to just vote and tell their family to vote democrats, essentially telling us, "we cant do anything so its your problem and responsibility now"

    ETA: democrats had 4 years to plan and time to come up with a response to Project 2025. Its weird to me everyone just took "oh its not trumps plan" at face value.

  • Childhood memories
  • Relative of the piss drawer

  • Murica
  • Thats why I have a bike-sled team to pull my horribly inefficient sled across the asphalt

  • West Texas measles outbreak climbs to 58, with four saying they were vaccinated
  • Vaccinations against these diseases can also decrease in affectiveness with age. Its not often done, but a titer can be done to see if you are still immune. I got one when switching to a new doctor and found I was no longer immune to measles and had to get the vaccination.

  • Get Ready For KiCAD 9!
  • Freecad 1.0+ is a significant improvement on the ux front but the ui and workflow still need work

  • Palestinian detainee says he was tortured in Israeli detention centre
  • Because they consider Israel to be a "legitimate" state while Palestinians are considered terrorists regardless of of they are Hamas or civilians. That means they call them detainees / POWs while captured israelis get called hostages. Very skewed language

  • Trump begins firings of FAA air traffic control staff just weeks after fatal DC plane crash
  • ATC numbers took 10+ years to recover after Reagan. Not only that but more flights and longer hours means even with the former number before the trump cuts, the ATCs were struggling. While each individual cut is small, ATCs are more strained than ever, and there is also the risk of organized strikes or more mass firings. Also, it takes a while to train ATCs, so it's not something that can be immediately rectified without rehiring the fired workers and reinstating trainees

  • To be more specific, the fuel tank was placed between the rear bumper and rear differential. In a rear end collision, the tank would get sandwiched by the bumper and differential, which had bolts protruding out the back and would pierce the tank, spilling fuel onto the road.

    Additionally, rear end collisions would bend the frame in a way that jammed the doors so you couldnt get out.

    They figured that people would die and their cost benefit analysis assumed a certain number of deaths and lawsuits. The resulting recall and larger than expected number of deaths and lawsuits made it a huge loss for them.

  • Kamala Harris is Democratic front-runner for California governor in 2026: Poll
  • She disappeared after Trump won and hasnt had a thing to say to help the democratic voter base. She needs to sit the fuck down and let someone who actually cares about the voter base and is actually going to fight for their rights run

  • There is no bottom for conservatives. They will defend trumps 3rd term in just three years. You cannot cede any ground to the right wing pundits.
  • Their amendment's wording is specifically designed to deny Obama a third term. It was something along the lines of "any president who has served two non-consecutive terms can run for a third term" which would pretty much only qualify him and not Obama or Dubya.

  • RTX 5090 cable overheats to 150 degrees Celsius — Uneven current distribution likely the culprit
  • It could be in part either, but its also a factor of how the card itself balances the power. This will be a problem regardless of who made the cable or how perfect it is

  • RTX 5090 cable overheats to 150 degrees Celsius — Uneven current distribution likely the culprit
  • Another video noted that previous generations used multiple isolated shunt resistors to feed sets of VRM phases. The current measurements in these shunts was used to balance the current in the phases. If any shunt showed no current (connector or pins unplugged) the GPU wouldnt even turn on. Previous generations would do ridiculous things to ensure proper current balance in the wires.

    This is done with 6 12V wires on the 30 series. Pairs of wires go to a shunt so there are 3 shunts, which each feed maybe 4 phases. In the worst case scenario, you could somehow lose half the wires, 1 from each pair, and the GPU wouldnt notice. This would result in up to 2x overload on any individual wire. This is why the 30 series did not burn like the 40 and 50 series.

    The 4090/5090 short all of the pins together before going through 1/2 shunts, then are shorted again after the shunts. This means no individual or pair of pin currents are measured, and you can cut 5/6 of the wires and have it still think theres a good connection. This results in up to a 6x overload on a wire (e.g. all 600W going through 1 wire).

    Also sub in cut wire for bad connection on a pin.

    This is a design issue with the board at minimum.

  • Red, White, and Blueland
  • All resigning does is give them a greater margin to win votes by. We have several chances to win a tie or majority in the house and senate

    Three house seats are up for special elections, two in florida and one in NY. If they all elect democrats, there will be a tie in the houde and any bill can be blocked.

    Senate votes can be held without all members present, so making sure all democrat congress members always show up and always vote gives a good chance of blocking some bills

    Also in 2026 will be the midterm and we can vote republican congressmembers out, as they only have a majority and not a supermajority.

  • House cats with bird flu could pose a risk to public health
  • Then don't let it outside to catch bird flu